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AMY uses Django templating system and Django templating engine.

Templates in AMY are kept in amy/templates/ directory, conveniently grouped by application in subdirectories (comments - from extcomments, communityroles, consents, dashboard, forms - from extforms, fiscal, recruitment, reports, requests - from extrequests, trainings, workshops). There are also directories not related to internal AMY applications:

  • account - contains templates related to login/logout/password reset pages,
  • bootstrap4 - contains templates and/or includes for widgets used by Django Crispy Forms,
  • includes - contains a bunch of reusable "components" - Django HTML templates,
  • mailing - contains templates used to generate emails automatically sent when users submit external forms,
  • markdownx - contains some overridden templates for django-markdown package.

Usually, unsless the template is an includable, one template corresponds to one view, that's why they are grouped in per-application directories.

The rest of the files stored directly in amy/templates/ directory are base templates. Here's a description of them, which almost all the other templates inherit from.

Base templates

All templates use fluid container from Bootstrap 4.

There are multiple types of views in AMY:

  • wide (e.g. 'Dashboard') -- base_nav.html,
  • wide with sidebar (e.g. 'All Events') -- base_nav_sidebar.html,
  • wide with two content columns (e.g. WorkshopRequest accept view) -- base_nav_twocolumn.html.

These templates all inherit from base.html, which holds the HTML structure, includes CSS styles and JS code, displays messages, footer, etc.

The base_nav.html is nothing more but base.html extended with a navigation. Navigation changes depending on user - one navigation bar (navigation.html) exists for admin users, a different one (navigation_instructor_dashboard.html) exists for instructors/trainees. A correct navigation bar is being included in base_nav.html and every instructor-enabled template (e.g. Auto Update Profile form, Upcoming Teaching Opportunities page, etc.).

There are also these templates available at the top-level template directory:

  • base_forms.html - base template for external forms (workshop request, workshop inquiry request, self-organised submission and training request),
  • generic_form.html - a default form used by AMYCreateView and AMYUpdateView (base views for creating and updating entities),
  • generic_form_with_comments.html - the same as generic_form.html, but additionally contains a section with comments provided by extcomments application,
  • pagination.html - displays a neat button groups split with "..." to not show too much pages at once.

Blocks available in base template

Django template blocks used in base.html template:

  • extrastyle in <head>, when you need to load some additional CSS files or embed styles right into the page,
  • extrajs on bottom of <body>, for loading additional JavaScript files / codes,
  • navbar used in templates that include a navigation bar,
  • main with all the main content in case someone really needs to change it,
  • leftcolumn for adding a sidebar or a column (used in base_nav_sidebar.html),
  • maincolumn for changing main content column grid,
  • logo used in views that display AMY logo (login page, log out page, password reset, etc.) - see account in Templates,
  • title to display <h1> tag with page title,
  • content for displaying page content.


There are multiple reusable components available in amy/templates/includes directory:

  • assigned_to.html - displays whom has the entity (event, workshop request, workshop inquiry request, self-organised submission) been assigned to; displays a form to change the assignee,
  • assignment_modal.html - displays a modal "window" on the page; this window is used to select person assigned to specified entity (event, workshop request, workshop inquiry request, self-organised submission),
  • assignment.html - displays a dropdown to change filtering events assigned to specific person (user, unassigned, or no filtering),
  • attendance_email_href.html - renders a mailto: link with provided list of emails as recipients and predefined text in email body; used in event details view and in workshop issues report,
  • comments.html - displays comments and form for adding comments for a given entity,
  • country_flag.html - renders county name with this country's flag,
  • curriculum.html - displays curriculum as a Boostrap badge,
  • event_details_table.html - displays a table with event details,
  • event_import_update_from_url.html - modal for importing event details from a given URL address,
  • instructor_profile_snapshot.html - as name suggests, this is a snapshot of person's instructor profile used in Instructor Selection project, on instructor dashboard,
  • instructor_role_badge.html - small component displaying information about active or inactive instructor badge on for a person,
  • instructor_selection_summary.html - a summary of instructor selection for a given event; this is displayed in event's jumbo header,
  • instructorrecruitment.html - a representation of single InstructorRecruitment model instance,
  • last_modified.html - used by last_modified template tag to display audit log information (when entity was created, when it was last modified),
  • logo.html - AMY logo, used by user-facing external forms,
  • merge_radio.html - used to display HTML radio element in Person/Event merge views,
  • request_host_person.html - used to display person from the database matching the person requesting a workshop,
  • request_institution.html - used to display organisation from the database matching the institution of person requesting a workshop,
  • requests_bottom_action_btns.html - displays a group of buttons for accepting, discarding, etc. workshop requests, workshop inquiry requests, and self-organised submissions,
  • selforganisedsubmission_details.html - displays a table with self-organised submission details,
  • tag.html - displays a Boostrap badge of a tag,
  • teaching_opportunity.html - displays details of instructor recruitment instance used in Instructor Selection project, on instructor dashboard,
  • template_response.html - provides a dropdown with templates used for automatic reply to a workshop request,
  • tracker.html - contains Matomo tracker JavaScript code,
  • training_progresses_inline.html - displays person's progress in training with various training requirements,
  • trainingrequest_details.html - displays a table with training request details,
  • workshopinquiry_details.html - displays a table with workshop inquiry request details,
  • workshoprequest_details.html - displays a table with workshop request details.