The Carpentries: Programmatic Assessment Report

January 1, 2012 through March 31, 2018

Authors: Maneesha Sane, Erin Becker

What is The Carpentries?

Software Carpentry (SWC) and Data Carpentry (DC) are two programs of The Carpentries (a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives). We teach essential computing and data skills. We exist because the skills needed to do computational, data-intensive research are not part of basic research training in most disciplines.

About Software Carpentry

Software Carpentry enables researchers to create purpose-built tools, whether it be a Unix shell script to automate repetitive tasks, or software code in programming languages such as Python, R, or MATLAB. These enable researchers to build programs that can be read, re-used, and validated, greatly enhancing the sharing and reproducibility of their research.

About Data Carpentry

Data Carpentry learners are taught to work with data more effectively. Workshops focus on the data lifecycle, covering data organization, cleaning and management through to data analysis and visualization. Lessons are domain-specific, with coverage in biology, genomics, and social sciences.

What The Carpentries offers

  • A suite of open source, collaboratively-built, community-developed lessons
  • Workshops based on a learn-by-doing, ‘code with me’ approach
  • A supportive learning culture
  • Instructor training, mentoring and support
  • Active global community which subscribes to an inclusive code of conduct
  • Evidence-based, proven pedagogical training methods
  • Ongoing development opportunities via our webinar series
  • Open discussions

The Carpentries began systematically recording data for our workshops in 2012. We use this data to investigate how The Carpentries has grown over the years including number and geographic reach of our workshops, and learners at these workshops. We also look at our Instructor Training program, including number and geographic reach of instructor training events, number of trainees and their completion rates, and onboarding of new Instructor Trainers.

Data are collected by a team of Workshop Administrators. In Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, Workshop Administrators are affiliated with our member institutions and provide in-kind staff time. A full-time Carpentries staff member is the Workshop Administrator for the rest the world.

Part 1: Workshops

The Carpentries

Software Carpentry workshops or Data Carpentry workshops generally comprise two full days of face-to-face instruction, based on either Software Carpentry or Data Carpentry lesson materials, respectively.

Workshops are taught by volunteer trained and certified Instructors. Certified Instructors comprise people who have completed our instructor training course. Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry lessons are all open source, and are hosted on GitHub.

For each workshop, we collected the following data:

variable definition
slug Unique identifier for each workshop. Takes the form YYYY-MM-DD-sitename.
start Start date of the workshop. Takes the form YYYY-MM-DD.
attendance Number of learners at the workshop.
host_name Institution that hosted the workshop.
country The two-letter country code for the country in which the workshop was held.
workshop_type Whether this is a Software Carpentry (SWC) or Data Carpentry (DC) workshop.

The full data set, representing 1332 workshops, can be found in the Programmatic Assessment folder of The Carpentries Assessment repository on GitHub (

The number of Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry workshops appears to have remained roughly steady for the past several years, after a sharp jump from 2014 to 2015. The year 2015 was the first year in which The Carpentries had staff and a dedicated database to track workshop data, so some of this growth may also reflect a growth in internal systems.

The data shown here may not account for unreported self-organized workshops. Although The Carpentries attempts to collect data on all workshops run under "The Carpentries" brand, sometimes institutions may run a workshop without reporting it back to The Carpentries staff. Thus, if there has been a shift from more centrally-organized to more self-organized workshops, this may cause an underestimate of our workshop growth. We are working to improve data collection to have more accurate reflections of our scope of work.

This may also reflect a shift to sites running a variation of Carpentries lessons, rather than official full Carpentries workshops. While we've known anecdotally that this happens often, we have not systematically collected any data on when or how Carpentries lessons are used in other contexts.

Figure 1: Workshops by Carpentry by Year

This bar chart shows the number of Data Carpentry (DC) and Software Carpentry (SWC) workshops each year. Data for 2018 is a projection. The proportion of workshops in the first quarter of 2017 relative to the full year was applied to actual first quarter data from 2018 to calculate this projection. Source data can be found in Table 1 in the Appendix.

Geographic reach

The Carpentries began in predominantly white, English speaking countries. In later years, it expanded to other European countries, and most recently expanded reach to include African and Latin American countries. A list of all countries ever having hosted a Carpentries workshop can be found in Table 2 of the Appendix.

In many countries, we have seen a steady increase in the number of workshops run. In several countries though (including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand), we have seen a decline in the number of workshops run. This may be due to the reasons cited above, including unreported self-organized workshops or an increase in variations on Carpentries workshops. In either case this is a motivation for The Carpentries to improve data collection and methods to understand our scope of work beyond our centrally coordinated workshops.

Decreases in the number of workshops run in some countries may also be accounted for by shifts in our instructor community. Carpentries activity is sustained by our instructors. Some instructors may move to new geographies or to new career phases. Without a larger community in place, these geographies may not have had the capacity to sustain their activity. This is a motivation for The Carpentries to build strong and sustainable communities, with systems that account for individual turnover.

Table 2 in the appendix shows each country having hosted a workshop with the number of workshops each year from 2012 to 2018. This data is used to plot the countries having hosted 10 or more workshops since 2012 as well as year each country held its first workshop below.

Figure 2: Countries hosting 10 or more workshops

This bar chart looks only at countries that have hosted 10 or more workshops since 2012. For each country, the number of workshops run each year is plotted. Data for 2018 is a projection. Source data can be found in Table 3 in the Appendix.

Figure 3: Countries hosting first workshop each year

The map below shows each country that has hosted a Carpentries workshop, noting the year they hosted their first workshop. Darker colors represent countries with first workshops in more recent years. This shows Carpentries origin in Australia, Canada, the United States, and western Europe, with increased workshops in Africa in recent years.

Unique countries hosting a workshop each year

From 2015 - 2017, The Carpentries saw remarkable growth in the number of countries running Carpentries workshops for the first time. However, many of these countries did not have sustainable communities allowing them to continue running workshops. While The Carpentries has held workshops in at total of 43 countries, 18 of these have held only one workshop. This is motivation for The Carpentries to look at building sustainable communities when working in new geographies.

Figure 4: Number of unique countries hosting a workshop each year

This bar chart represents the number of unique countries running a workshop each year. Table 5 in the Appendix includes a list of each country having held a workshop each year. Data from 2018 is actual data, not a projection.

Workshop Attendance

In addition to looking at how many workshops we have run, we look at how many people we have impacted through our workshops. Workshop specific attendance data can be found in the Programmatic Assessment folder of The Carpentries Assessment repository on GitHub ( ).

After running a workshop, The Carpentries staff ask hosts or instructors to submit attendance data to us. In some cases, hosts and instructors provide a detailed account of the number registered and the number attended each day. In other cases, they offer their best estimate of overall attendance.

This data allows us to demonstrate our impact by showing the number of learners who have been exposed to the computational, coding, and data science skills taught by The Carpentries. Further analysis of learner outcomes can be found in The Carpentries Learner Assessment report ( ).

Figure 5: Total attendance by Carpentry by year

This bar chart represents the total number of Software Carpentry (SWC) and Data Carpentry (DC) learners each year. Recent years show a drop in total number of learners served, which may be due to smaller class sizes as seen in the section below. Numbers for 2018 are a projection.

Source data can be found in Table 6 in the Appendix.

Class size

The Carpentries has historically recommended (but not enforced) a class size of no more than 40 learners with two instructors. In early years, we saw more workshops closer to the upper limit, with many extreme outliers. The Carpentries experimented with class sizes more than twice our recommendation. In recent years, the mean and median class sizes have dropped, with fewer extreme outliers. This trend towards smaller class sizes with fewer extremes is driven by workshop hosts and instructors, rather than being mandated by The Carpentries. Our instructors experimented with large class sizes, and found that that this was not an ideal classroom environment.

Our curriculum and lessons are designed to be hands on, engaging, and interactive. This kind of environment is difficult to manage with larger class. The downward trend in class sizes shows that our hosts and instructors appreciate the importance in maintaining this kind of environment.

The average class size over the past few years has been 23-24 learners. This may indicate that we should update our official recommendation, as our community is able to experiment and learn what works best in the field.

Actual class size for each workshop can be found in the Programmatic Assessment folder of The Carpentries Assessment repository on GitHub ( ).

Figure 6: Class size by year.

This box plot shows the frequency of class sizes by year. The lower and upper ends of each box represent bounds of the 2nd and 3rd quartiles, while the lower and upper tails represent the bounds of the 1st and 4th quartiles. The center line of each box represents the median, and the center dot of each box represents the mean. Outliers are represented by dots outside the tails of each plot.

Data from 2018 is based on actual first quarter data, not a projection for the year.

Summary data can be found in Table 7 in the Appendix.

Part 2: Instructor Training


Over the last hundred years, researchers have discovered an enormous amount about how people learn and how best to teach them. Unfortunately, much of that knowledge has not yet been translated into common classroom practice, especially at the university level. To this goal, we offer an Instructor Training program.

This two-day class has the following overall goals:

  • Introduce trainees to evidence-based best-practices of teaching.
  • Teach how to create a positive environment for learners at Carpentries workshops.
  • Provide opportunities for trainees to practice and build your teaching skills.
  • Help trainees become integrated into the Carpentry community.
  • Prepare trainees to use these teaching skills in teaching Carpentry workshops.

Because we have only two days, some things are beyond the scope of this class. We do not teach:

  • How to program in R or Python, use git, or any of the other topics taught in Carpentry workshops.
  • How to create lessons from scratch (although trainees will have a good start on the principles behind that sort of work if inspired to learn more).

This training is based on our constantly revised and updated curriculum ( ).

When considering certification completion rates, analyses below exclude data from 2018 Q1. Trainees have 90 days to complete their certification requirements, so no one who attended instructor training in 2018 Q1 would be expected to have completed certification.

For each of our instructor training events, we collected the following data:

variable definition
slug Unique identifier for each workshop. Takes the form YYYY-MM-DD-sitename.
start Start date of the workshop. Takes the form YYYY-MM-DD.
country The country in which the workshop was held. Online events are noted as "online" even if all participants were in one country.
attendance Number of trainees at the workshop.
count_badged Number of trainees awarded a Software Carpentry (SWC) or Data Carpentry (DC) badge. *
pct_completion Percent of trainees awarded a Software Carpentry (SWC) or Data Carpentry (DC) badge. *

Until 2015, all Instructor Training events were run by one person, and were exclusively online. After starting the Trainers training program, we now have trainers across the globe who can run online events across timezones and inperson events as needed both at their home institutions and traveling as needed.

Since 2012, The Carpentries has run 135 instructor training events. This includes in person events in Australia, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico**, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States. It also includes 69 online events, allowing us to reach new instructors in many other countries.

* While we grant both Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry badges we do not distinguish between them for teaching eligibility or any other status within The Carpentries.

** While Puerto Rico is a United States Territory, it is separated out here for the purposes of demonstrating our global reach.

Table 8 in the Appendix lists all Instructor Training events, including total attendance and total badged from each event.

Figure 7: Online and and inperson events

This bar chart shows the number of online and in person training events run each year. Data for 2018 represents actual, not projected, data. Source data can be found in Table 9 in the Appendix. Table 10 in the Appendix shows which country in-person events took place in.

Figure 8: Completion rates by year

This box plot shows the frequency of class sizes by year. The lower and upper ends of each box represent bounds of the 2nd and 3rd quartiles, while the lower and upper tails represent the bounds of the 1st and 4th quartiles. The center line of each box represents the median, and the center dot of each box represents the mean. Outliers are represented by dots outside the tails of each plot.

Data from 2018 is excluded. As noted above, trainees from 2018 would not be expected to complete certification reqirements within the first quarter. Summary data can be found in Table 11 in the Appendix.

Teaching rates

We continued to look at progress from going through instructor training to completing certification and getting badged on to when instructors taught their first workshop. All dates are expressed as the first of the month. Exact dates are masked to preserve anonymity.

For each certified instructor, we collected the following data:

variable definition
date_awarded The first day of the month the badge was awarded.
first_wkshp The first day of the month this instructor taught their first workshop.
days A calculated field representing the difference between these two dates.

The Carpentries requires that all centrally organized workshops are taught by certified Carpentries instructors. However, self organized workshops may be taught by one certified instructor who works with a peer or colleague as a co-instructors. Many of these people go on to complete our instructor training program and become certified instructors themselves, which is why we see some people teaching even years before their certification date.

The full data set can be found in the Programmatic Assessment folder of The Carpentries Assessment repository on GitHub ( ).

Figure 9: Days to teach first workshop

In early years, many people were teaching Carpentries workshops before being badged because we did not have a formal badging process in place, or the oversight to ensure that instructors completed training and were badged before teaching.

Consistently, nearly half of our instructors have been teaching before they were badged. This shows that many of our instructors are coming to us already connected to The Carpentries community, acting as co-instructors for self organized workshops. This connection and experience motivates them to complete the instructor training program and continue teaching Carpentries workshops.

This box plot shows the days between badging and teaching by year. The lower and upper ends of each box represent bounds of the 2nd and 3rd quartiles, while the lower and upper tails represent the bounds of the 1st and 4th quartiles. The center line of each box represents the median, and the center dot of each box represents the mean. Outliers are represented by dots outside the tails of each plot.

Summary data can be found in Table 12 in the Appendix.

Figure 10: Instructor teaching frequency

The bar chart below shows how many badged instructors have never taught, taught one workshop only, 2-5 workshops, 6-10 workshops, 11-15 workshops, 16-20 workshops, and 21 or more workshops.

As of March 31, 2018, The Carpentries has 1480 badged instructors. Of those who have taught at least once, the majority have taught between 2 and 5 workshops. We also see 526 instructors (36%) who have never taught a workshop. This does not account for how long they have been an instructor so it may include people who were badged as recently as late 2017, and have not yet had an opportunity to teach. Nonetheless, it is motivation for The Carpentries to explore why these instructors have never taught, and explore what we can do to ensure they are supported in finding and creating opportunities to teach.

Source data can be found in Table 13 in the Appendix.

Part 3: Trainers

Instructor trainers

Until 2016, all Instructor Training events were run as online events by the Software Carpentry founder and former Executive Director. Knowing the limitations of having only one Instructor Trainer, in 2016, The Carpentries launched a training program for Instructor Trainers.

This allowed us to expand reach by running several events a month, across timezones for online events. It also allowed us to build capacity at member organizations who have onsite Instructor Trainers. These Trainers run events for their site building a community of trained and certified instructors there. These trained and certified instructors also have onsite support to run workshops.

By brining on new Trainers in Europe and more recently in Africa, we have a large community of Trainers who overlap time zones and connect with a wider audience. We've also expanded our geographic reach, allowing us to reach communities we may not otherwise connect with.

It is due to our growing Trainer community that we are able to run more events, reach people across wider geographies, and bring on new instructors. Another Trainers training event is planned for late 2018, and we anticipate the same growth rate in this community as we saw in 2017.

Figure 11: New Instructor Trainers by Year

We currently have 58 Instructor Trainers total. Numbers for 2018 represent actual, not projected data. Another round of Trainers training is expected in late 2018, adding 10-15 new Trainers to our community. Source data can be found in Table 14 in the Appendix.

Figure 12: Trainers by Country

The map below shows how many Instructor Trainers we have in each country. Through directed efforts of Carpentries staff and community members, we've seen significant growth in our Trainers community in Africa. The Trainer count in South Africa is equal to countries like Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, even though we have a much shorter history in South Africa. Source data can be found in Table 15 in the Appendix.


In looking at data representing workshops, learners, instructors, and trainers from 2012 to the present we've seen meaningful growth in many areas. In 2015, Data Carpentry grew from Software Carpentry's roots. This was in recognition of the importance of data analysis skills, specifically knowing people in different domains interact with data in different ways. With this experience, looking ahead we look forward to exploring integration of other Carpentries like Library Carpentry and HPC (High Performance Computing) Carpentry.

Along the way, we also grew our Instructor Training program from one to 58 trainers spread out across time zones and geographies. This allows us to train and certify many more instructors than ever possible, engaging with new communities across the globe. At the same time, as we expand our global reach, we need to be sure we are building sustainable communities, so the Carpentries presence can grow and thrive beyond single isolated workshops.

In collecting and analyzing the data included in this report, we also have recognized gaps in our data. This is motivation for The Carpentries to work with staff and other community members to ensure we have clear systems for collecting, sharing, and maintaining data.

Future iterations of this report will also look at activity of other Carpentries communities. This includes Lesson Maintainers who ensure lessons are up to date with pedagogical best practices as well as current technologies. This also includes Mentors who ensure that new Trainees are supported in their journey to becoming Instructors and that new Instructors are equally supported as they begin teaching workshops.

Feedback on this report is welcome. This can include reactions or new questions raised by information shared in this report; suggestions for other analyses or visualizations; code review; or any other comments. Feedback can be shared via issues in this GitHub repo ( ) or via email to


Table 1: Workshops by Carpentry by Year

This table shows the number of Data Carpentry (DC) and Software Carpentry (SWC) workshops each year. Data for 2018 is a projection. The proportion of workshops in the first quarter of 2017 relative to the full year was applied to actual first quarter data from 2018.

Workshop Type DC SWC row total
2012 0 38 38
2013 0 93 93
2014 2 137 139
2015 31 243 274
2016 72 273 345
2017 81 257 338
2018 137 299 436
column total 323 1340 1663

Table 2: All countries hosting a Carpentries workshop

This table shows the number of Data Carpentry (DC) and Software Carpentry (SWC) workshops in each country each year. For 2018, only actual data through March is represented, as most countries' data are too small to make meaningful predictions.

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Q1 row total
Antarctica 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Australia 0 6 10 32 41 33 6 128
Belgium 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2
Botswana 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Brazil 0 0 6 5 5 0 0 16
Canada 8 11 22 25 41 29 4 140
China 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Colombia 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Cyprus 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Denmark 0 0 1 0 2 3 1 7
Ethiopia 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 8
Finland 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
France 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 8
Gabon 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Germany 0 3 3 4 4 9 2 25
Ghana 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
Greece 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
India 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Indonesia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Italy 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 5
Jordan 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Kenya 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2
Korea, Republic of 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 5
Lebanon 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Mauritius 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Mexico 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3
Namibia 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
Netherlands 0 1 0 3 2 2 0 8
New Zealand 0 1 0 7 14 9 2 33
Norway 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 14
Philippines 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Poland 0 1 1 2 4 1 0 9
Puerto Rico 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Saudi Arabia 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Slovenia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
South Africa 0 1 1 5 6 11 3 27
Spain 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 5
Sudan 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Sweden 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 6
Switzerland 0 0 2 4 5 2 1 14
Thailand 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2
United Kingdom 7 14 21 27 37 44 11 161
United States 20 49 65 140 164 179 56 673
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
column total 38 93 139 274 345 338 99 1326

Table 3: Countries hosting 10 or more workshops

This table shows the number of Carpentries workshops each year for countries having hosted more than 10 workshops since January 2012. This does not separate out between Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry. For these countires, we have enough history to make projections for 2018. The proportion of workshops in the first quarter of 2017 relative to the full year was applied to actual first quarter data from 2018.

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 row total
United States 20 49 65 140 164 179 244 861
United Kingdom 7 14 21 27 37 44 53 203
Switzerland 0 0 2 4 5 2 1 14
South Africa 0 1 1 5 6 11 33 57
Norway 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 14
New Zealand 0 1 0 7 14 9 6 37
Germany 0 3 3 4 4 9 9 32
Canada 8 11 22 25 41 29 11 147
Brazil 0 0 6 5 5 0 0 16
Australia 0 6 10 32 41 33 22 144
column total 36 86 131 253 322 317 380 1525

Table 4: List of countries that held their first workshop each year

This table lists each country that held its first workshop by year.

2012 France
2012 United Kingdom
2012 United States
2012 Italy
2012 Canada
2012 Norway
2013 New Zealand
2013 Poland
2013 Saudi Arabia
2013 Germany
2013 South Africa
2013 Lebanon
2013 Netherlands
2013 China
2013 Australia
2014 Sweden
2014 Denmark
2014 Ghana
2014 Cyprus
2014 Switzerland
2014 Brazil
2014 Jordan
2014 Spain
2015 Slovenia
2015 Thailand
2015 Kenya
2015 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
2015 Belgium
2015 Korea, Republic of
2015 Finland
2015 Indonesia
2015 India
2016 Namibia
2016 Colombia
2016 Mexico
2016 Greece
2016 Philippines
2016 Puerto Rico
2017 Gabon
2017 Ethiopia
2017 Botswana
2017 Mauritius
2018 Sudan
2018 Ireland
2018 Antarctica

Table 5: Unique countries hosting workshops by year

This table lists every country that held a workshop that year.

year count countries
0 2012 6 Canada, France, Italy, Norway, United Kingdom, United States
1 2013 14 Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Lebanon, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States
2 2014 17 Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Ghana, Italy, Jordan, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
3 2015 24 Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Korea, Republic of, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
4 2016 25 Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Kenya, Korea, Republic of, Mexico, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
5 2017 23 Australia, Belgium, Botswana, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Mauritius, Mexico, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States
6 2018 18 Antarctica, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Table 6: Total attendance by Carpentry by year

This table shows the total number of learners at Data Carpentry (DC) and Software Carpentry (SWC) workshops each year. Numbers for 2018 are a projection.

In some cases, the hosts or instructors do not report back on attendance data. From 2012 through 2018 Q1, 122 of 1323 (about 9%) workshops were missing attendance.

For the analyses in this report, workshops missing attendance are excluded from the analyses. Because low attendance is a possible factor in not having reported attendance, replacing missing attendance data with means would not be an accurate reflection of our numbers.

Workshop Type DC SWC row total
2012 0 1378 1378
2013 0 3212 3212
2014 59 4683 4742
2015 790 6965 7755
2016 1604 5529 7133
2017 1630 5618 7248
2018 1459 4870 6329
column total 5542 32255 37797

Table 7: Carpentries class size

For each year from 2012 to 2018 this shows the following:

variable definition
count Number of workshops that year
mean Mean (average) attendance at each workshop
std Standard deviation
min Smallest class size
25%, 50%, 75% 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartile class size
max Largest class size
2012 count 38
mean 36
std 12
min 7
25% 31
50% 37
75% 40
max 79
2013 count 93
mean 34
std 18
min 8
25% 25
50% 32
75% 39
max 133
2014 count 138
mean 34
std 18
min 6
25% 24
50% 30
75% 39
max 130
2015 count 262
mean 29
std 13
min 1
25% 20
50% 29
75% 38
max 75
2016 count 291
mean 24
std 11
min 1
25% 17
50% 23
75% 30
max 78
2017 count 313
mean 23
std 10
min 1
25% 16
50% 22
75% 29
max 71
2018 count 71
mean 24
std 12
min 4
25% 15
50% 23
75% 31
max 67

Table 8: Full table of all instructor training events

This table lists all instructor training events The Carpentries has held since 2012. The "count_badged" column is a total of all individuals from that event with at least one badge. We are not distinguishing between Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry badges.

For reference, all training events through 2018 Q1 are listed here. However, the analyses in this report exclude data from 2018 Q1. Trainees have 90 days to complete their certification requirements, so no one who attended instructor training in 2018 Q1 would be expected to have completed certification.

slug start country attendance count_badged pct_completion
0 2012-08-26-ttt-online 2012-08-26 online 20 17 85.0
1 2012-10-11-ttt-online 2012-10-11 online 25 19 76.0
2 2013-01-06-ttt-online 2013-01-06 online 12 5 41.7
3 2013-03-12-ttt-online 2013-03-12 online 27 18 66.7
4 2013-05-12-ttt-online 2013-05-12 online 45 18 40.0
5 2013-08-12-ttt-online 2013-08-12 online 41 24 58.5
6 2013-09-30-ttt-online 2013-09-30 online 57 22 38.6
7 2014-01-16-ttt-online 2014-01-16 online 67 25 37.3
8 2014-04-14-ttt-pycon 2014-04-14 online 34 3 8.8
9 2014-04-24-ttt-online 2014-04-24 online 58 24 41.4
10 2014-04-28-ttt-mozilla 2014-04-28 online 43 31 72.1
11 2014-06-05-ttt-online 2014-06-05 online 29 4 13.8
12 2014-06-11-ttt-online 2014-06-11 online 59 27 45.8
13 2014-09-10-ttt-online 2014-09-10 online 81 46 56.8
14 2014-09-22-ttt-uva 2014-09-22 online 31 12 38.7
15 2014-10-22-ttt-tgac 2014-10-22 online 41 21 51.2
16 2014-11-12-ttt-washington 2014-11-12 online 20 9 45.0
17 2015-01-06-ttt-ucdavis 2015-01-06 online 44 24 54.5
18 2015-02-01-ttt-online 2015-02-01 online 127 60 47.2
19 2015-02-11-ttt-melbourne 2015-02-11 online 46 42 91.3
20 2015-03-10-ttt-lbl 2015-03-10 online 12 8 66.7
21 2015-04-08-ttt-nih 2015-04-08 online 17 6 35.3
22 2015-05-11-ttt-compute-canada 2015-05-11 Canada 22 16 72.7
23 2015-05-27-ttt-msu 2015-05-27 United States 26 10 38.5
24 2015-06-08-ttt-online 2015-06-08 online 23 12 52.2
25 2015-06-12-ttt-iplant 2015-06-12 United States 26 12 46.2
26 2015-06-16-ttt-aciref 2015-06-16 United States 24 12 50.0
27 2015-09-08-ttt-online 2015-09-08 online 18 9 50.0
28 2015-09-14-ttt-leeds 2015-09-14 United Kingdom 18 11 61.1
29 2015-09-21-ttt-icl 2015-09-21 United Kingdom 14 4 28.6
30 2015-10-08-ttt-ucl 2015-10-08 United Kingdom 18 7 38.9
31 2015-10-15-ttt-online 2015-10-15 online 48 39 81.2
32 2015-10-25-instructortraining-cracov 2015-10-25 Poland 13 3 23.1
33 2015-11-23-instructor-training-manchester 2015-11-23 United Kingdom 25 13 52.0
34 2015-12-07-eu-instructor-training 2015-12-07 online 15 15 100.0
35 2015-12-07-na-instructor-training 2015-12-07 online 22 15 68.2
36 2015-12-07-ttt-Au 2015-12-07 online 4 3 75.0
37 2015-12-07-ttt-toronto 2015-12-07 online 17 16 94.1
38 2016-01-05-ok-instructor-training 2016-01-05 United States 19 7 36.8
39 2016-01-13-instructor-training-lausanne 2016-01-13 Switzerland 20 17 85.0
40 2016-01-18-brisbane-instructor-training 2016-01-18 Australia 25 18 72.0
41 2016-01-21-melbourne-instructor-training 2016-01-21 Australia 27 10 37.0
42 2016-01-21-training-florida 2016-01-21 United States 25 16 64.0
43 2016-01-28-auckland-instructor-training 2016-01-28 New Zealand 20 16 80.0
44 2016-02-16-training-online 2016-02-16 online 27 11 40.7
45 2016-02-22-training-ucdavis 2016-02-22 United States 25 16 64.0
46 2016-03-09-ttt-uw 2016-03-09 United States 14 10 71.4
47 2016-04-13-training-online 2016-04-13 online 33 16 48.5
48 2016-04-17-instructor-training-nwu 2016-04-17 South Africa 23 11 47.8
49 2016-05-04-instructor-training-ssi 2016-05-04 United Kingdom 15 6 40.0
50 2016-05-11-ttt-compute-canada 2016-05-11 Canada 27 21 77.8
51 2016-05-18-ttt-online 2016-05-18 online 23 11 47.8
52 2016-06-08-ttt-arizona 2016-06-08 online 17 4 23.5
53 2016-06-08-ttt-online 2016-06-08 online 7 5 71.4
54 2016-06-30-Oslo-ttt 2016-06-30 Norway 22 10 45.5
55 2016-07-11-ttt-scipy 2016-07-11 United States 21 7 33.3
56 2016-09-19-ttt-cambridge 2016-09-19 United Kingdom 30 13 43.3
57 2016-09-19-ttt-osu 2016-09-19 United States 9 4 44.4
58 2016-09-28-ttt-sesync 2016-09-28 United States 17 3 17.6
59 2016-10-03-ttt-online 2016-10-03 online 23 13 56.5
60 2016-10-20-ttt-online 2016-10-20 online 15 5 33.3
61 2016-10-24-ttt-uwmadison 2016-10-24 United States 25 14 56.0
62 2016-10-27-ttt-online 2016-10-27 online 20 11 55.0
63 2016-11-03-ttt-cuny 2016-11-03 United States 12 3 25.0
64 2016-11-07-ttt-online 2016-11-07 online 10 5 50.0
65 2016-11-15-ttt-online 2016-11-15 online 15 5 33.3
66 2016-11-24-ttt-metoffice 2016-11-24 United Kingdom 17 3 17.6
67 2016-11-29-ttt-nesi 2016-11-29 New Zealand 10 2 20.0
68 2016-12-01-PNNL-ttt 2016-12-01 United States 14 4 28.6
69 2016-12-12-ttt-uiuc 2016-12-12 United States 12 2 16.7
70 2016-12-13-ttt-ucsf 2016-12-13 United States 18 6 33.3
71 2016-12-14-ttt-online 2016-12-14 New Zealand 11 4 36.4
72 2016-12-15-ttt-online 2016-12-15 online 16 6 37.5
73 2017-01-11-ttt-online 2017-01-11 Canada 23 10 43.5
74 2017-01-19-ttt-ecp 2017-01-19 United States 20 8 40.0
75 2017-01-25-ttt-nz-otago 2017-01-25 New Zealand 28 14 50.0
76 2017-02-09-ttt-usu 2017-02-09 United States 11 7 63.6
77 2017-02-21-online-instructor-training 2017-02-21 online 14 8 57.1
78 2017-03-07-ttt-online 2017-03-07 online 13 7 53.8
79 2017-03-16-ttt-oxford 2017-03-16 United Kingdom 24 13 54.2
80 2017-03-24-ttt-upr 2017-03-24 Puerto Rico 12 2 16.7
81 2017-04-10-uw-ttt 2017-04-10 United States 15 7 46.7
82 2017-04-24-ttt-VT_NIST 2017-04-24 online 12 11 91.7
83 2017-04-30-eResearchAfrica-ttt 2017-04-30 South Africa 28 17 60.7
84 2017-05-04-portland-ttt 2017-05-04 United States 28 17 60.7
85 2017-05-04-ttt-frb 2017-05-04 United States 16 8 50.0
86 2017-05-18-stanford-TTT 2017-05-18 United States 13 13 100.0
87 2017-05-22-florida-TTT 2017-05-22 United States 22 10 45.5
88 2017-06-19-sydney-ttt 2017-06-19 Australia 18 11 61.1
89 2017-06-19-ttt-davis 2017-06-19 United States 13 12 92.3
90 2017-06-26-ttt-online 2017-06-26 online 6 4 66.7
91 2017-07-10-ttt-online 2017-07-10 online 21 15 71.4
92 2017-07-13-jaxlab-instructor-training 2017-07-13 online 7 5 71.4
93 2017-07-13-ttt-online 2017-07-13 online 16 7 43.8
94 2017-07-25-tucson-ttt 2017-07-25 United States 9 5 55.6
95 2017-07-27-qcif 2017-07-27 Australia 23 13 56.5
96 2017-07-31-ttt-online 2017-07-31 online 27 15 55.6
97 2017-08-07-jackson-ttt 2017-08-07 online 34 22 64.7
98 2017-08-14-UCB-ttt 2017-08-14 United States 11 6 54.5
99 2017-08-16-ttt-online 2017-08-16 online 21 9 42.9
100 2017-09-04-ttt-manchester 2017-09-04 United Kingdom 22 13 59.1
101 2017-09-21-ttt-online 2017-09-21 online 26 10 38.5
102 2017-09-25-TTT-online 2017-09-25 online 17 8 47.1
103 2017-09-28-curtin 2017-09-28 Australia 16 5 31.2
104 2017-10-09-NWU-eResearch-ttt 2017-10-09 South Africa 34 7 20.6
105 2017-10-10-ttt-doe 2017-10-10 online 24 5 20.8
106 2017-10-16-Monsanto-ttt 2017-10-16 United States 7 6 85.7
107 2017-10-19-ucsf-ttt 2017-10-19 online 5 3 60.0
108 2017-10-24-ttt-online 2017-10-24 online 19 11 57.9
109 2017-10-24-ttt-online-USA 2017-10-24 online 23 10 43.5
110 2017-10-27-ttt-UND 2017-10-27 United States 5 1 20.0
111 2017-10-30-TTT-online 2017-10-30 online 12 8 66.7
112 2017-10-30-imperial-ttt 2017-10-30 United Kingdom 19 12 63.2
113 2017-11-02-TTT-online 2017-11-02 online 25 11 44.0
114 2017-11-06-ttt-Utrecht 2017-11-07 Netherlands 16 6 37.5
115 2017-11-14-ttt-online 2017-11-14 online 12 9 75.0
116 2017-11-15-ttt-stanford 2017-11-15 United States 14 7 50.0
117 2017-12-04-ttt 2017-12-04 online 8 3 37.5
118 2017-12-05-ttt-southampton 2017-12-05 United Kingdom 18 9 50.0
119 2017-12-12-ttt-online 2017-12-12 online 17 12 70.6
120 2017-12-14-ttt-uiuc 2017-12-14 United States 10 4 40.0
121 2018-01-30-ttt-USA 2018-01-30 online 19 15 78.9
122 2018-01-30-ttt-online-UK 2018-01-30 online 14 8 57.1
123 2018-02-05-ttt-online 2018-02-05 online 24 9 37.5
124 2018-02-13-ttt-online 2018-02-13 online 15 7 46.7
125 2018-02-21-South-Africa-ttt 2018-02-21 South Africa 17 9 52.9
126 2018-02-26-ttt-csiro 2018-02-26 Australia 4 1 25.0
127 2018-02-26-ttt-stanford 2018-02-26 United States 12 1 8.3
128 2018-02-28-ttt-online 2018-02-28 online 16 5 31.2
129 2018-03-01-ttt-online 2018-03-01 online 18 4 22.2
130 2018-03-05-ttt-florida 2018-03-05 United States 20 6 30.0
131 2018-03-12-ttt-online 2018-03-12 online 18 3 16.7
132 2018-03-19-ttt-sfu 2018-03-19 Canada 10 1 10.0
133 2018-03-20-ttt-online 2018-03-20 online 11 3 27.3
134 2018-03-26-ttt-davis 2018-03-26 United States 24 1 4.2

Table 9: Online and and inperson instructor training events

This table shows the total number of online and in-person training events each year. Numbers for 2018 represent actual data, not a projection.

online in-person row total
2012 2 0 2
2013 5 0 5
2014 10 0 10
2015 12 9 21
2016 11 24 35
2017 21 27 48
2018 8 6 14
column total 69 66 135

Table 10: Instructor Trainings by Country

This table lists all Instructor Training events held each year. Events listed by country are in-person events. All online events are listed as online, even if all trainees came from the same country.

country Australia Canada Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Puerto Rico South Africa Switzerland United Kingdom United States online row total
2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5
2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10
2015 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 3 12 21
2016 2 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 3 12 11 35
2017 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 4 14 21 48
2018 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 8 14
column total 6 4 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 11 32 69 135

Table 11: Completion rates by year

For each year from 2012 to 2017 this shows the following:

variable definition
count Number of training events that year
mean Mean (average) completion rates
std Standard deviation
min Smallest completion rate
25%, 50%, 75% 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartile completion rate
max Largest completion rate
2012 count 2
mean 80
std 6
min 76
25% 78
50% 80
75% 82
max 85
2013 count 5
mean 49
std 12
min 38
25% 40
50% 41
75% 58
max 66
2014 count 10
mean 41
std 18
min 8
25% 37
50% 43
75% 49
max 72
2015 count 21
mean 58
std 21
min 23
25% 46
50% 52
75% 72
max 100
2016 count 35
mean 45
std 18
min 16
25% 33
50% 43
75% 56
max 85
2017 count 48
mean 53
std 18
min 16
25% 43
50% 54
75% 63
max 100

Table 12: Days between badging and teaching

For each year from 2012 to 2018 this shows the following:

variable definition
count Number of instructors receiving a badge that year who have also taught at least one workshop
mean Mean (average) number of days between receiving badge and first teaching experience
std Standard deviation
min Smallest number of days between badging and teaching
25%, 50%, 75% 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartile number of days between badging and teaching
max Largest number of days between badging and teaching
2012 count 33
mean -165
std 130
min -396
25% -244
50% -183
75% -61
max 121
2013 count 65
mean -40
std 197
min -426
25% -181
50% -61
75% 62
max 669
2014 count 144
mean 61
std 275
min -730
25% -61
50% 46
75% 153
max 1186
2015 count 150
mean 105
std 216
min -485
25% 30
50% 90
75% 184
max 1065
2016 count 278
mean 20
std 244
min -1096
25% -60
50% 31
75% 122
max 670
2017 count 223
mean 8
std 216
min -1127
25% -60
50% 31
75% 151
max 516

Table 13: Instructor teaching frequency

The table below shows how many badged instructors have never taught, taught 1 workshop, 2-5 workshops, 6-10 workshops, 11-15 workshops, 16-20 workshops, and 21 or more workshops. The left side of each bin is exclusive; the right side is inclusive.

workshops taught
count (-1, 0] 526
(0, 1] 326
(1, 5] 452
(5, 10] 116
(10, 15] 37
(15, 20] 13
(20, inf] 10

Table 14: Instructor Trainers by year joined

The table below shows how many new Instructor Trainers joined each year. Numbers for 2018 are actual data, not a projection.

2012 1
2016 14
2017 29
2018 14
total 58

Table 15: Trainers by Country

The table below lists how many Instructor Trainers we have in total in each country.

name count
0 Australia 4
1 Belgium 1
2 Canada 4
3 Ethiopia 1
4 Germany 1
5 Greece 1
6 Italy 1
7 Namibia 1
8 Netherlands 2
9 New Zealand 4
10 Norway 3
11 South Africa 4
12 United Kingdom 9
13 United States 22