Managing issues

  • Labelling issues can help you prioritise issues and bring them to the community’s attention.
  • Labels can be added to an issue using the right sidebar menu of the GitHub web interface.
  • The Carpentries provides a recommend set of labels, and has systems and processes that work with some of these.

Referencing pull-requests and issues

  • Issues and pull requests can be referred to by their number within a repository.
  • Pull requests descriptions that include “fixes #XYZ”, “resolves #XYZ”, or “closes #XYZ” will all close issue number XYZ when they are merged.

Reviewing pull-requests

  • What features does GitHub provide to facilitate reviewing pull requests?
  • What are the different options for the outcome of a pull request review, and when should I use each one?

Resolving conflicts

  • You may encounter merge conflicts in large pull requests and those that have been open for some time.
  • GitHub provides an interface to resolve simple conflicts in the GitHub web interface.