
Backward Lesson Design

Target audience and teaching objectives

Formative Assessment & Feedback


Using the Lesson Infrastructure

Training Logistics

Figure 1

A graphical representation of the schedule and structure of collaborative lesson development training.
Collaborative Lesson Development Training is designed to be taught over six half days, with an extended break between part 1 (half days 1-4) and part 2 (half days 5-6) If taught in-person, the schedule could be adjusted to teaching part 1 in 2 full days and following up with part 2 in 1 full day. The training in part 1 focusses on good practices in lesson design and development, and the concepts and skills needed to build a lesson website with The Carpentries lesson infrastructure. Between part 1 and part 2 the participants schedule a session to trail parts of their lesson with a real (or mock) audience and collect feedback. Part 2 of the training begins with a reflective discussion of the trial runs to encourage participants to think about lesson design and iterative development, before shifting focus to the skills required for effective collaboration on open source projects.

Figure 2

diagram showing five groups of collaborators distributed across two different events teaching part 1 of Collaborative Lesson Development Training, with the same groups distributed differently across two part 2 training events.
Groups of trainees collaborating on the same lesson will be able to choose which second part to attend, without needing to join the same session as the other groups they attended the first part with.