The Carpentries Git Workflow

Last updated on 2023-04-18 | Edit this page

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  • How do I review pull requests?
  • How do I make changes to pull requests?
  • How do I accept pull requests?


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Maintainers and Forked Repositories

If this is the first time you are maintaining a project where you and other people are going to be submitting changes there are two perspectives you need to keep in mind: one of the “maintainer” and one of the “contributor”.

  • Maintainers: can directly push code to the repository
  • Contributors: cannot directly push code to the repository, and need to create a separate fork
Diagram illustrating workflows for pushing and pulling to a remote for Maintainers and contributors.

Pushing and pulling directly to the remote repository owned by The Carpentries

The Software Carpentry Git lesson and Library Carpentry Git lesson show you how you can interact with a repository from an owner and Maintainer point of view because you are allowed to push directly to your project on GitHub (see label 1 in the above diagram).

As a Maintainer to one of our lessons, you will be able to interact with the lesson just like it was your own repository (see label 1 in the above diagram). The only difference is the account the repository is under. So instead of username/repo it will be something like carpentries/repo. This means when you get the git clone url, you will have to get it from the carpentries/repo location, not your own.

In this setup, since you are cloneing down from the original carpentries repo, the remote will be your origin. This is the same workflow as if you are working on your own personal repository, and you can git push origin gh-pages.

An alternative workflow: Pushing and pulling to a remote (fork)

Some Maintainers choose to work using the forking model of collaboration. Even though they have access to the original “upstream” Carpentries repository, they will make a “fork” of The Carpentries repository so they have a copy (i.e., fork) in their own account (see label 2 in the above diagram). Using this workflow gives you (the Maintainer) the same workflow as any other contributor to your lesson (since contributors will also need to work on a fork).

Forking a Repository

To fork a repository on GitHub, you can visit a repository and add /fork at the end of the URL or you can click the “fork” button in the top right:

Screenshot of the top bar of swcarpentry/git-novice with four buttons on the top right: sponsor,watch, fork, and star

Once you fork the repository, there will be the original “upstream” carpentries/repo and your own “fork”, username/repo (see label 2). When you visit your fork on the GitHub website, you will see a grey toolbar above the file list that says “This branch is up to date with carpentries/repo:branch.”

Screenshot of grey box above a file list on github that says "This branch is up to date with swcarpentry/git-novice:gh-pages." It has two buttons, one labelled "Contribute" and the other labelled "Fetch Upstream"

You can clone your username/repo down to your computer like any other repository you want to work on locally and push and pull your changes to your remote (label 3). Because the repository you cloned from is your own “fork” (username/repo), the version in your account that you cloned from is the “origin” repository (see the blue colored “origin” label in the diagram). You can then issue a pull request (PR) to the original carpentries/repo repository (see label 4).

For PRs from non-maintainers you will review these changes and ask for changes if needed. As the Maintainer, you can review and/or accept these PRs (including your own) because as a Maintainer you will have the repository permissions (in carpentries/repo) to accept the PR (see label 5).

Keeping your fork up-to-date

As more changes come in from other contributors and accepted by you or other Maintainers, the forked repository (bottom right) and your own local copy (bottom left) will be out of sync. This time, when you visit your fork on GitHub, you will see that GitHub will show you that your branch is N commits behind the upstream repository. You can use the “Fetch upstream” button to bring those changes to your own repository. Screenshot of grey box above a file list on github that says "This branch is 2 commits behindwith swcarpentry/git-novice:gh-pages." It has two buttons, one labelled "Contribute" and the otherlabelled "Fetch Upstream". The "Fetch upstream" button has been clicked to reveal a menu that says"Fetch and merge 2 upstream commits from swcarpentry:gh-pages" with subtext that says "Keep yourfork up-to-date-with the upstream repository" and a link that says "Learn More" There is a white"compare" button and a green "fetch and merge" button displayed

If you wanted to perform this update locally, you would set the carpentries/repo as a new remote called “upstream” and then pull the changes from upstream.