Workbench Transition Schedule

Below you will find tables that indicate when a given lesson is expected to transition to The Workbench along with a link to the preview and a GitHub issue tracking progress on the conversion.

As of 2023-04-27, we have 27 official lessons remaining for transition and all maintainers have been notified that the transition will begin on 2023-05-01.

That being said, we will be transtioning the lessons between 2023-05-01 and 2023-05-08 based on a priority of the number of remaining pull requests and the number of tasks that need to be completed in the transition workflow.

Each lesson transition takes ~10-20 minutes to complete from start to finish, but combined with the uncertainty of Github incidents, network connectivity, among other factors, I feel confident performing roughly 5 transitions per day.

Please continue to visit this page as we update the status of our lesson transitions.

If you have any questions, please contact the curriculum team at curriculum at carpentries dot org


Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-04-04 instructor-training (released πŸŽ‰)
2023-04-20 instructor-training-bonus-modules (released πŸŽ‰) #32

Data Carpentry


Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-05-15 astronomy-python (released πŸŽ‰) #89


Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-05-09 openrefine-ecology-lesson (released πŸŽ‰) #53
2023-05-08 python-ecology-lesson (released πŸŽ‰) #41
2023-04-04 python-ecology-lesson-es (released πŸŽ‰)
2023-05-03 r-ecology-lesson (released πŸŽ‰) #55
2023-05-03 spreadsheet-ecology-lesson (released πŸŽ‰) #40
2023-04-21 sql-ecology-lesson (released πŸŽ‰) #57


Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-05-04 cloud-genomics (released πŸŽ‰) #50
2023-05-01 genomics-r-intro (released πŸŽ‰) #51
2023-05-02 organization-genomics (released πŸŽ‰) #54
2023-05-08 shell-genomics (released πŸŽ‰) #42
2023-05-04 wrangling-genomics (released πŸŽ‰) #58


Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-05-04 organization-geospatial (released πŸŽ‰) #26
2023-05-04 r-intro-geospatial (released πŸŽ‰) #25
2023-04-04 r-raster-vector-geospatial (released πŸŽ‰)

Image Processing

Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-04-25 image-processing (released πŸŽ‰) #46


Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-04-28 openrefine-socialsci (released πŸŽ‰) #49
2023-05-04 python-socialsci (released πŸŽ‰) #47
2023-04-04 r-socialsci (released πŸŽ‰)
2023-05-03 spreadsheets-socialsci (released πŸŽ‰) #48
2023-05-02 sql-socialsci (released πŸŽ‰) #28

Library Carpentry

Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-05-03 lc-data-intro (released πŸŽ‰) #60
2023-04-24 lc-data-intro-archives (released πŸŽ‰) #61
2023-04-20 lc-git (released πŸŽ‰) #63
2023-04-25 lc-marcedit (released πŸŽ‰) #64
2023-05-01 lc-open-refine (released πŸŽ‰) #65
2023-09-08 lc-overview lc-overview (πŸ”) #83
2023-05-08 lc-python-intro (released πŸŽ‰) #66
2023-05-01 lc-r (released πŸŽ‰) #19
2023-05-08 lc-shell (released πŸŽ‰) #67
2023-04-21 lc-spreadsheets (released πŸŽ‰) #68
2023-05-02 lc-sql (released πŸŽ‰) #69
2023-04-24 lc-wikidata (released πŸŽ‰) #71

Software Carpentry

Expected Transition Lesson Preview Tracking Issue
2023-05-08 git-novice (released πŸŽ‰) #72
2023-04-27 git-novice-es (released πŸŽ‰) #73
2023-04-24 make-novice (released πŸŽ‰) #75
2023-04-26 matlab-novice-inflammation (released πŸŽ‰) #76
2023-05-02 python-novice-gapminder (released πŸŽ‰) #77
2023-04-20 python-novice-inflammation (released πŸŽ‰) #22
2023-05-03 r-novice-gapminder (released πŸŽ‰) #78
2023-04-27 r-novice-gapminder-es (released πŸŽ‰) #79
2023-05-01 r-novice-inflammation (released πŸŽ‰) #24
2023-05-02 shell-novice (released πŸŽ‰) #80
2023-04-24 shell-novice-es (released πŸŽ‰) #81
2023-05-08 sql-novice-survey (released πŸŽ‰) #82