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Clean the div tags from an xml document





an xml document


TRUE if divs were detected and cleaned, FALSE if there were no divs.


Commonmark knows what raw HTML looks like and will read it in as an HTML block, escaping the tag. it does this for every HTML tag that is preceded by a blank line, so this: <div class='hello'>\n\n</div> becomes two html_block elements

  &lt;div class='hello'&gt;\n

However, if an element is not preceded by a non-html element, it becomes part of that html element. So this <div class='hello'>\n</div> becomes a single html_block element:

  &lt;div class='hello'&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;\n

Sometimes, this process can gobble up text that is markdown instead of HTML,

This function will find multiple tags in HTML blocks and separates them into different blocks.


txt <- " 
<div class='challenge'>
## Challenge

do that challenging thing.

cat('it might be challenging to do this')
<div class='solution'>
It's not that challenging
<div class='solution'>
We just have to try harder and use `<div>` tags

cat('better faster stronger with <div>')
<img src=''/>


<div class='good'>

## Good divs



f <- tempfile()
writeLines(txt, f)
ex <- tinkr::to_xml(f)
xml2::xml_find_all(ex$body, ".//d1:html_block[contains(text(), 'div')]")
#> {xml_nodeset (5)}
#> [1] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;div class='challenge'&gt;\n## Challe ...
#> [2] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;div class='solution'&gt;\n```{r}\nIt ...
#> [3] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;/div&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;\n</html_block>
#> [4] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;div class='good'&gt;\n</html_block>
#> [5] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;/div&gt;\n</html_block>
#> [1] TRUE
xml2::xml_find_all(ex$body, ".//d1:html_block[contains(text(), 'div')]")
#> {xml_nodeset (8)}
#> [1] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [2] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [3] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [4] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [5] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [6] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [7] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;div class='good'&gt;\n</html_block>
#> [8] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;/div&gt;\n</html_block>
xml2::xml_find_all(ex$body, ".//d1:html_block[contains(text(), 'div')]")
#> {xml_nodeset (8)}
#> [1] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [2] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [3] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [4] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [5] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [6] <html_block xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">&l ...
#> [7] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;div class='good'&gt;\n</html_block>
#> [8] <html_block xml:space="preserve">&lt;/div&gt;\n</html_block>