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The {pegboard} package facilitates the analysis and manipulation of Markdown and R Markdown files by translating them to XML and back again. This extends the {tinkr} package (see vignette("tinkr", package = "tinkr")) by providing additional methods that are specific for Carpentries-style lessons. There are two R6 classes defined in {pegboard}:

  • pegboard::Episode objects that contain the XML data, YAML metadata and extra fields that define the child and parent files for a particular episode. These inherit from the tinkr::yarn R6 class.
  • pegboard::Lesson objects that contain lists of Episode objects categorised as “episodes”, “extra”, or “children”.

If you have a list of Episode objects, you can achieve most of what you can with the lesson objects, because much of the Lesson object’s function is to provide a methods that map over all of the Episode object methods. The key difference between Lesson objects and a list of Episode objects is that the Lesson object will collapse summaries and to map relations between Episodes and their children or parent documents.

Before you read this vignette, please read the vignette on the Episode object (vignette("intro-episode", package = "pegboard")) so that you can understand the methods that come from the Episode objects. In this vignette, we will talk about the structure of Lesson objects, how to use the basic methods of these objects, inspecting summaries of source vs built episodes, and assessing the lineage of episodes that have parents and/or children documents.

But first, because of a default parameter that influences what methods can be used depending on the lesson context, I need to explain a little bit about Jekyll, the former lesson infrastructure.

A Brief Word About History and Jekyll

Prior to The Workbench, we had the styles repository, which was an all-in-one toolbox that built websites with Jekyll. It was colloquially known as the “Lesson Template.” It has two major differences to The Workbench: folder structure and syntax.

Folder Structure

The folder structure of lessons built with Jekyll was one where content and tooling lived side-by-side. This folder structure looked something like this:

#  .
#  ├── Gemfile
#  ├── Makefile
#  ├── _config.yml
#  ├── _episodes/
#  │   └──
#  ├── _episodes_rmd/
#  ├── _extras/
#  │   ├──
#  │   └──
#  ├── _includes/
#  ├── _layouts/
#  ├──
#  ├── assets/
#  ├── bin/
#  ├── fig/
#  ├──
#  ├──
#  ├── requirements.txt
#  └──

When {pegboard} was first written, we initially assumed this folder structure, where R Markdown and regular Markdown episodes lived in different folders (and more often than not, the outputs of the R Markdown files lived inside the _episodes/ folder. The main method of organising episodes was by numbers embedded in the name of the files.

As The Workbench developed, it was clear that this folder structure needed to change, but we needed to keep compatibility with the old lessons because we want to ensure that people can independently convert from the old style lessons to the new style, thus we added the jekyll parameter to the Lesson object initializer method, and set jekyll = TRUE as the default to keep backwards compatibility.

Creating a New Lesson Object

The Lesson object is invoked with the Lesson$new(), method. Here, I will demonstrate a Workbench lesson. This is the folder structure of the workbench lesson:

#  .
#  ├── config.yaml
#  ├── episodes
#  │   ├── intro.Rmd
#  │   └──
#  ├──
#  ├── instructors
#  │   └──
#  ├── learners
#  │   └──
#  ├── profiles
#  │   └──
#  └── site
#      └──

To read it in, because we have a Workbench lesson, we need to specify jekyll = FALSE to register all the div tags and ensure that the lesson is being treated like a Workbench lesson.

wbfragment <- lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment")
print(wbfragment) # path to the lesson
## [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment"
wb_lesson <- Lesson$new(wbfragment, jekyll = FALSE)
## <Lesson>
##   Public:
##     blocks: function (type = NULL, level = 0, path = FALSE) 
##     built: NULL
##     challenges: function (path = FALSE, graph = FALSE, recurse = TRUE) 
##     children: NULL
##     clone: function (deep = FALSE) 
##     episodes: list
##     extra: list
##     files: active binding
##     get: function (element = NULL, collection = "episodes") 
##     handout: function (path = NULL, solution = FALSE) 
##     has_children: active binding
##     initialize: function (path = ".", rmd = FALSE, jekyll = TRUE, ...) 
##     isolate_blocks: function () 
##     load_built: function () 
##     n_problems: active binding
##     overview: FALSE
##     path: /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment
##     reset: function () 
##     rmd: FALSE
##     sandpaper: TRUE
##     show_problems: active binding
##     solutions: function (path = FALSE) 
##     summary: function (collection = "episodes") 
##     thin: function (verbose = TRUE) 
##     trace_lineage: function (episode_path) 
##     validate_divs: function () 
##     validate_headings: function (verbose = TRUE) 
##     validate_links: function () 
##   Private:
##     deep_clone: function (name, value)

The Lesson printing here shows that it has a subset of methods that are named similarly to methods and active bindings from the Episode class. These are not inherited, but rather they are implemented across all the Episode objects. The Episode objects themselves are parsed into one of three elements: “episodes”, “children”, and “extra” (NOTE: the “extra” slot may be superceded by elements that better match the folder structure of lessons).

lapply(wb_lesson$episodes, class)
## $intro.Rmd
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"
lapply(wb_lesson$children, class)
## list()
lapply(wb_lesson$extra, class)
## $
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"     
## $
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"     
## $
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"     
## $
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"

Notice here that there is only one episode in the $episodes item, but in the directory tree above, we see two. This is because of the config.yaml file, which defines the order of the episodes:

read_yaml(path(wbfragment, "config.yaml"))$episodes
## [1] "intro.Rmd"

Because episodes/nope.Rmd is not listed, it is not read in. This is useful to avoid reading in content from files that are incomplete or not correctly formatted.

File Information

The Lesson object contains information about the file information:

# what is the root path for the lesson?
## [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment"
# what episode files exist?
##                                                                        intro.Rmd 
## "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment/episodes/intro.Rmd"
# do any of the files have children (Workbench lessons only)? 
## [1] FALSE


As mentioned earlier, many of the methods in a Lesson object are wrappers for methods in Episode objects. challenges, solutions are the obvious ones.

## $intro.Rmd
## $intro.Rmd$`div-3-challenge`
## {xml_nodeset (12)}
##  [1] <paragraph sourcepos="32:1-32:48">\n  <text sourcepos="32:1-32:47" xml:s ...
##  [2] <heading sourcepos="34:1-34:30" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="34:4-34:3 ...
##  [3] <paragraph sourcepos="36:1-36:35">\n  <text sourcepos="36:1-36:35" xml:s ...
##  [4] <code_block sourcepos="38:1-40:3" xml:space="preserve" language="r" name ...
##  [5] <paragraph sourcepos="42:1-42:34">\n  <text sourcepos="42:1-42:33" xml:s ...
##  [6] <heading sourcepos="44:1-44:9" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="44:4-44:9" ...
##  [7] <code_block sourcepos="46:1-48:3" xml:space="preserve" language="r" name ...
##  [8] <paragraph sourcepos="50:1-50:34">\n  <text sourcepos="50:1-50:34" xml:s ...
##  [9] <heading sourcepos="53:1-53:66" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="53:4-53:6 ...
## [10] <paragraph sourcepos="55:1-55:34">\n  <text sourcepos="55:1-55:33" xml:s ...
## [11] <paragraph sourcepos="57:1-57:67">\n  <text sourcepos="57:1-57:52" xml:s ...
## [12] <paragraph sourcepos="59:1-60:48">\n  <text sourcepos="59:1-59:33" xml:s ...
## $intro.Rmd
## $intro.Rmd$`div-4-solution`
## {xml_nodeset (4)}
## [1] <paragraph sourcepos="42:1-42:34">\n  <text sourcepos="42:1-42:33" xml:sp ...
## [2] <heading sourcepos="44:1-44:9" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="44:4-44:9"  ...
## [3] <code_block sourcepos="46:1-48:3" xml:space="preserve" language="r" name= ...
## [4] <paragraph sourcepos="50:1-50:34">\n  <text sourcepos="50:1-50:34" xml:sp ...
## $intro.Rmd$`div-5-solution`
## {xml_nodeset (3)}
## [1] <paragraph sourcepos="55:1-55:34">\n  <text sourcepos="55:1-55:33" xml:sp ...
## [2] <paragraph sourcepos="57:1-57:67">\n  <text sourcepos="57:1-57:52" xml:sp ...
## [3] <paragraph sourcepos="59:1-60:48">\n  <text sourcepos="59:1-59:33" xml:sp ...

For the rest of the elements (or active bindings), you will need to use the $get() method. For example, if you wanted all code blocks from the episodes and the extra content, you would use:

wb_lesson$get("code", collection = c("episodes", "extra"))
## $intro.Rmd
## {xml_nodeset (3)}
## [1] <code_block sourcepos="38:1-40:3" xml:space="preserve" language="r" name= ...
## [2] <code_block sourcepos="46:1-48:3" xml:space="preserve" language="r" name= ...
## [3] <code_block sourcepos="66:1-73:3" xml:space="preserve" language="r" name= ...
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}

Similarly, for links and headings you would use:

wb_lesson$get("links", collection = c("episodes", "extra"))
## $intro.Rmd
## {xml_nodeset (1)}
## [1] <link sourcepos="20:29-20:54" destination=" ...
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $
## {xml_nodeset (2)}
## [1] <link sourcepos="15:5-15:50" destination="" title ...
## [2] <link sourcepos="23:5-23:47" destination="" ti ...
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
wb_lesson$get("headings", collection = c("episodes", "extra"))
## $intro.Rmd
## {xml_nodeset (6)}
## [1] <heading sourcepos="15:1-15:15" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="15:4-15:15 ...
## [2] <heading sourcepos="34:1-34:30" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="34:4-34:30 ...
## [3] <heading sourcepos="44:1-44:9" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="44:4-44:9"  ...
## [4] <heading sourcepos="53:1-53:66" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="53:4-53:66 ...
## [5] <heading sourcepos="62:1-62:10" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="62:4-62:10 ...
## [6] <heading sourcepos="76:1-76:7" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="76:4-76:7"  ...
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $
## {xml_nodeset (2)}
## [1] <heading sourcepos="13:1-13:14" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="13:4-13:14 ...
## [2] <heading sourcepos="21:1-21:12" level="2">\n  <text sourcepos="21:4-21:12 ...
## $
## {xml_nodeset (0)}

Methods Summaries and Validation

For summaries, you will get a data frame of the summaries. You can also choose to include other collections in the summary:

wb_lesson$summary() # defaults to episodes
## # A tibble: 1 × 12
##   page      sections headings callouts challenges solutions  code output warning
##   <chr>        <int>    <int>    <int>      <int>     <int> <int>  <int>   <int>
## 1 intro.Rmd        6        6        6          1         2     3      0       0
## # ℹ 3 more variables: error <int>, images <int>, links <int>
wb_lesson$summary(collection = c("episodes", "extra"))
## # A tibble: 5 × 12
##   page      sections headings callouts challenges solutions  code output warning
##   <chr>        <int>    <int>    <int>      <int>     <int> <int>  <int>   <int>
## 1 intro.Rmd        6        6        6          1         2     3      0       0
## 2         0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0
## 3             0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0
## 4         2        2        3          0         2     0      0       0
## 5             0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0
## # ℹ 3 more variables: error <int>, images <int>, links <int>

Validation will auto-check everything and return the results as data frames. You can find more information abou the specific checks by reading vignette("validation", package = "pegboard").

Details of the individual functions can be found via ?validate_links(), ?validate_divs(), and ?validate_headings().

divs <- wb_lesson$validate_divs()
##                   episodes               path        div         pb_label pos
## div-1-questions  intro.Rmd episodes/intro.Rmd  questions  div-1-questions   7
## div-2-objectives intro.Rmd episodes/intro.Rmd objectives div-2-objectives  13
## div-3-challenge  intro.Rmd episodes/intro.Rmd  challenge  div-3-challenge  37
## div-4-solution   intro.Rmd episodes/intro.Rmd   solution   div-4-solution  47
## div-5-solution   intro.Rmd episodes/intro.Rmd   solution   div-5-solution  60
## div-6-keypoints  intro.Rmd episodes/intro.Rmd  keypoints  div-6-keypoints  90
## div-1-instructor  learners/ instructor div-1-instructor   6
## div-2-solution  learners/   solution   div-2-solution  14
## div-3-solution  learners/   solution   div-3-solution  22
##                  is_known
## div-1-questions      TRUE
## div-2-objectives     TRUE
## div-3-challenge      TRUE
## div-4-solution       TRUE
## div-5-solution       TRUE
## div-6-keypoints      TRUE
## div-1-instructor     TRUE
## div-2-solution       TRUE
## div-3-solution       TRUE
headings <- wb_lesson$validate_headings()
##    episodes                                                         heading
## 1 intro.Rmd                                                    Introduction
## 2 intro.Rmd                                     Challenge 1: Can you do it?
## 3 intro.Rmd                                                          Output
## 4 intro.Rmd Challenge 2: how do you nest solutions within challenge blocks?
## 5 intro.Rmd                                                         Figures
## 6 intro.Rmd                                                            Math
## 7                                                     For Windows
## 8                                                       For MacOS
##   level pos         node first_heading_is_second_level greater_than_first_level
## 1     2  20 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
## 2     2  39 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
## 3     2  49 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
## 4     2  58 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
## 5     2  67 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
## 6     2  81 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
## 7     2  16 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
## 8     2  24 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
##   are_sequential have_names are_unique               path
## 1           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE episodes/intro.Rmd
## 2           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE episodes/intro.Rmd
## 3           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE episodes/intro.Rmd
## 4           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE episodes/intro.Rmd
## 5           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE episodes/intro.Rmd
## 6           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE episodes/intro.Rmd
## 7           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE  learners/
## 8           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE  learners/
links <- wb_lesson$validate_links()
## ! There were errors in 2/3 links
## ◌ Links must use HTTPS <>
## ::warning file=learners/,line=18:: [needs HTTPS]: [the PuTTY terminal](
## ::warning file=learners/,line=26:: [needs HTTPS]: [](
##    episodes scheme                server port user            path query
## 1 intro.Rmd  https   NA      /lesson-example      
## 2   http    NA               /putty      
## 3   http    NA            /terminal      
##   fragment                                         orig               text  alt
## 1     lesson example <NA>
## 2                     the PuTTY terminal <NA>
## 3                  <NA>
##   title type  rel anchor sourcepos           filepath parents         node
## 1       link <NA>  FALSE        25 episodes/intro.Rmd         <link so....
## 2       link <NA>  FALSE        18  learners/         <link so....
## 3       link <NA>  FALSE        26  learners/         <link so....
##   known_protocol enforce_https internal_anchor internal_file
## 1           TRUE          TRUE            TRUE          TRUE
## 2           TRUE         FALSE            TRUE          TRUE
## 3           TRUE         FALSE            TRUE          TRUE
##   internal_well_formed all_reachable img_alt_text descriptive link_length
## 1                 TRUE          TRUE         TRUE        TRUE        TRUE
## 2                 TRUE          TRUE         TRUE        TRUE        TRUE
## 3                 TRUE          TRUE         TRUE        TRUE        TRUE

Loading Built Documents

One thing that is very useful is to check the status of the built documents to ensure that everything you expect is there. You can load all of the built markdown documents with the $load_built() method and the built documents will populate the $built field:

lapply(wb_lesson$built, class)
## $`site/built/`
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"     
## $`site/built/`
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"     
## $`site/built/`
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"     
## $`site/built/`
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"     
## $`site/built/`
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"

You can use these to inspect how the content is rendered and see that the code blocks render what they should render. In thise case, episodes/intro.Rmd will render one output block and one image.

to_check <- c("page", "code", "output", "images", "warning", "error")
wb_lesson$summary(collection = c("episodes", "built"))[to_check]
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##   page                 code output images warning error
##   <chr>               <int>  <int>  <int>   <int> <int>
## 1 intro.Rmd               3      0      0       0     0
## 2 site/built/         0      0      0       0     0
## 3 site/built/         0      0      0       0     0
## 4 site/built/     0      0      0       0     0
## 5 site/built/     3      1      1       0     0
## 6 site/built/     0      0      0       0     0


This is another method wrapped from the Episode method, where it combines the output into a single file and prepends the Episode title before each section:

## ## Using RMarkdown
## ## Challenge 1: Can you do it?
## What is the output of this command?
## ```{r, eval=FALSE}
## paste("This", "new", "template", "looks", "good")
## ```

Accessing other Episode methods

For pegboard::Episode methods that are not listed above, you will need to manually iterate over the Episode objects. For example, if you wanted to extract all of the instructor notes in the lesson, you could use purrr::map()

purrr::map(c(wb_lesson$episodes, wb_lesson$extra), 
  function(ep) ep$get_divs("instructor"))
## $intro.Rmd
## named list()
## $
## named list()
## $
## named list()
## $
## $$`div-1-instructor`
## {xml_nodeset (3)}
## [1] <paragraph sourcepos="3:1-3:80">\n  <text sourcepos="3:1-3:80" xml:space= ...
## [2] <paragraph sourcepos="5:1-7:49">\n  <text sourcepos="5:1-5:74" xml:space= ...
## [3] <paragraph sourcepos="9:1-9:80">\n  <text sourcepos="9:1-9:80" xml:space= ...
## $
## named list()

If you wanted to get a specific thing from the body of the document, then you could use any of the functions from {xml2} such as xml2::xml_find_first() or xml2::xml_find_all(). Here, we are looking first the first text element that is not a fenced-div element:

purrr::map_chr(c(wb_lesson$episodes, wb_lesson$extra), 
  function(ep) {
    xpath <- ".//md:text[not(starts-with(text(), ':::'))]"
    nodes <- xml_find_first(ep$body, xpath, ep$ns)
##                                                                    intro.Rmd 
##                             "How do you write a lesson using RMarkdown and " 
##                                                                           NA 
##                                                                           NA 
## "Setup instructions live in this document. Please specify the tools and the" 
##                                                                           NA

For more information about constructing XPath queries and working with XML data, you can read vignette("intro-xml", package = "pegboard")

Creating a New Lesson with Child Documents

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of child documents, please read the “Including Child Documents” vignette in the {sandpaper} package (vignette("include-child-documents", package = "sandpaper")).

The pegboard::Lesson object is very useful with lessons that contain child documents because it records the relationships between documents. This is key for workflows determining build order of a Lesson. If a source document is modified, in any build system, that source document will trigger a rebuild of the downstream page, and the same should happen if a child document of that source is modified (if you are interested in the build process used by {sandpaper}, you can read sandpaper::build_status() and sandpaper::hash_children()). This functionality is implemented in the pegboard::Lesson$trace_lineage() method, which returns all documents required to build any given file. We will demonstrate the utility of this later, but first, we will demonstrate how pegboard::Lesson$new() auto-detects the child documents:

Take for example the same lesson, but episodes/intro.Rmd has the child episodes/files/cat.Rmd which in turn has the child episodes/files/session.Rmd:

#  .
#  ├── config.yaml
#  ├── episodes
#  │   ├── files
#  │   │   ├── cat.Rmd
#  │   │   └── session.Rmd
#  │   ├── intro.Rmd
#  │   └──
#  ├──
#  ├── instructors
#  │   └──
#  ├── learners
#  │   └──
#  ├── profiles
#  │   └──
#  └── site
#      └──

A valid child document reference requires a code chunk with a child attribute that points to a valid file relative to the parent document, so if I have this code block inside episodes/intro.Rmd, then it will include the child document called episodes/files/cat.Rmd:

```{r cat-child, child="files/cat.Rmd"}

During initialisation of a Workbench lesson (note: not currently implemented for Jekyll lessons), the Lesson object will detect that at least one Episode references at least one child document (via find_children()) and read them in (see load_children() for details).

wbchild <- lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment-with-child")
wb_lesson_child <- Lesson$new(wbchild, jekyll = FALSE)
## [1] TRUE
lapply(wb_lesson_child$children, class)
## $`/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/cat.Rmd`
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"     
## $`/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/session.Rmd`
## [1] "Episode" "yarn"    "R6"

The reason it is useful is because if you have a child Episode object, you can determine its parent and its final ancestor. Because these paths are absolute paths, I am going to write a function that will use the {glue} package to print it nicely for us:

show_child_parents <- function(child) {
  parents <- fs::path_rel(child$parents, start = child$lesson)
  build_parents <- fs::path_rel(child$build_parents, start = child$lesson)

  msg <- "Ancestors for {child$name} ---
  Parent(s):         {parents}
  Final ancestor(s): {build_parents}"

# cat.Rmd's parent is intro.Rmd
## Ancestors for cat.Rmd ---
## Parent(s):         episodes/intro.Rmd
## Final ancestor(s): episodes/intro.Rmd

# session.Rmd's parent is cat.Rmd
## Ancestors for session.Rmd ---
## Parent(s):         episodes/files/cat.Rmd
## Final ancestor(s): episodes/intro.Rmd

If you have the name of the final ancestor, then you can determine the full lineage with the $trace_lineage() method, which is useful for determining if a file should be rebuilt:

parent <- wb_lesson_child$children[[2]]$build_parents
## [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/intro.Rmd"
lineage <- wb_lesson_child$trace_lineage(parent)

# printing the lineage in a presentable fashion:
rel <- wb_lesson_child$path
pretty_lineage <- path_rel(lineage, start = rel)
pretty_lineage <- glue_collapse(pretty_lineage, sep = ", ", last = ", and ")
glue("The lineage of {path_rel(parent, start = rel)} is:
## The lineage of episodes/intro.Rmd is:
## episodes/intro.Rmd, episodes/files/cat.Rmd, and episodes/files/session.Rmd

Jekyll Lessons

This section will talk about the peculiarities with lessons built with the carpentries/styles lesson template. Note that lesson transition methods are not implemented in the Lesson object, if you want to find out about methods for transition, please read the Jekyll section in vignette("intro-episode", package = "pegboard").


The former Jekyll syntax used kramdown-flavoured markdown, which evolved separately from commonmark, the syntax that {pegboard} knows and that Pandoc-flavoured markdown extends. One of the key differences with the kramdown syntax is that it used something known as Inline Attribute Lists (IAL) to help define classes for markdown elements. These elements were formated as {: <attributes>} where <attributes> is replaced by class definitions and key/value pairs. They always appear after the relevant block which lead to code blocks that looked like this:

ls -larth /path/to/dir
{: .language-bash}

Moreover, to achieve the special callout blocks, we used blockquotes that were given special classes (which is an accessbility no-no because those blocks were not semantic HTML) and the nesting of these block quotes looked like this:

> ## Challenge
> How do you list all files in a directory in reverse order by the time it was 
> last updated?
> > ## Solution
> > 
> > ~~~
> > ls -larth /path/to/dir
> > ~~~
> > {: .language-bash}
> {: .solution}
{: .challenge}

One of the biggest challenges with this for authors was that, unless you used an editor like vim or emacs, this was difficult to write with all the prefixed blockquote characters and keeping track of which IALs belonged to which block.


There are some methods that are specific to lessons that are built with Jekyll. In particular, the n_problems and show_problems active binding are useful for determining if anything went wrong with parsing the kramdown syntax, the $isolate_blocks() method was used to strip out all non-blockquote content, the $blocks() method returned all block quote with filters for types, and the $rmd field was an indicator that the lesson used R Markdown.

jekyll <- Lesson$new(lesson_fragment("lesson-fragment"), jekyll = TRUE)
##                       0                       0                       0 
##                       0
rmd    <- Lesson$new(lesson_fragment("rmd-lesson"), jekyll = TRUE)
## could not find _episodes/, using _episodes_rmd/ as the source
## 01-test.Rmd 
##           0

As mentioned above, in Jekyll uses special block quotes to format callout blocks. The $challenges() and $solutions() methods recognise this and will return the block quotes:

## $``
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (7)}
## [1] <block_quote sourcepos="160:1-167:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## [2] <block_quote sourcepos="169:1-192:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## [3] <block_quote sourcepos="194:1-217:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## [4] <block_quote sourcepos="219:1-298:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## [5] <block_quote sourcepos="300:1-328:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## [6] <block_quote sourcepos="330:1-366:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## [7] <block_quote sourcepos="368:1-388:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (3)}
## [1] <block_quote sourcepos="95:1-108:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading s ...
## [2] <block_quote sourcepos="110:1-140:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## [3] <block_quote sourcepos="142:1-170:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading  ...
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (2)}
## [1] <block_quote sourcepos="45:1-60:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading so ...
## [2] <block_quote sourcepos="62:1-95:14" ktag="{: .challenge}">\n  <heading so ...
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (10)}
##  [1] <block_quote sourcepos="163:3-167:14" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
##  [2] <block_quote sourcepos="180:3-190:38" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
##  [3] <block_quote sourcepos="207:3-217:14" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
##  [4] <block_quote sourcepos="232:3-240:15" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
##  [5] <block_quote sourcepos="250:3-258:15" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
##  [6] <block_quote sourcepos="269:3-278:15" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
##  [7] <block_quote sourcepos="285:3-293:15" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
##  [8] <block_quote sourcepos="316:3-328:14" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
##  [9] <block_quote sourcepos="351:3-366:14" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
## [10] <block_quote sourcepos="380:3-388:14" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading  ...
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (3)}
## [1] <block_quote sourcepos="104:3-108:14" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading s ...
## [2] <block_quote sourcepos="128:3-140:14" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading s ...
## [3] <block_quote sourcepos="147:3-170:14" ktag="{: .solution}">\n  <heading s ...
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (0)}

For other blocks, you can use the $blocks() method:

## $``
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $``
## {xml_nodeset (0)}
## $`01-test.Rmd`
## {xml_nodeset (1)}
## [1] <block_quote sourcepos="16:1-20:11" ktag="{: .prereq}">\n  <heading sourc ...