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  • find_children() returns the immediate children for any given Episode object.

  • trace_children() is used after processing in the context of a Lesson to trace the entire lineage from a source parent episode.


find_children(parent, ancestor = NULL)

trace_children(parent, lsn)



an Episode or tinkr::yarn object (trace_children() requires an Episode object).


an Episode object that is used to determine the parent path this also can be NULL.


a Lesson object that contains the parent and all its children.


a character vector of the absolute paths to child documents


It is possible to define child documents in knitr documents by using the child attribute in code chunks. For example, let's say we have a file called episodes/parent.Rmd:

This content is from _a child document_:

```{r child = "files/the-child.Rmd"}

where files/the-child.Rmd is relative to the build parent, in this case it is episodes/parent.Rmd. This is important

The find_children() function will extract the immediate children from a single Episode object (in this case, it will return /path/to/episodes/files/the-child.Rmd), but it will not detect any further descendants. To detect the entire lineage, the Episode must be read in the context of a Lesson (or processed with load_children()).

This function is used during Episode initialisation to populate the $children element of the Episode object, which lists paths to the known children for further processing.

Tracing full lineages

It is possible for a child document to have further children defined, but there is a caveat: The child document is going to be read from the context of the root.dir knitr option, which in sandpaper is set to be site/built after the markdown contents and assets are copied over.

This is the first child. The following content is from the grandchild:

```{r child = "files/"}

When an Episode is read in the context of a Lesson, the children are processed with load_children() so that each document with children will have a non-zero value of the $children element. We recurse through the $children element in the Lesson object to exhaust the search for the child documents.

The trace_children() will return the entire lineage for a given parent document. Which, in the case of the examples defined above would be: /path/to/episodes/parent.Rmd, /path/to/episodes/files/the-child.Rmd, and /path/to/episodes/files/


For standard lessons, child documents are written relative to the directory of the build parent document. Usually, these child documents will be in the files folder under their parent folder. Overview lessons are a little different. For overview lessons (in The Workbench, these are lessons which contain overview: true in config.yaml), the child documents may point to files/, but in reality, the child document is at the root of the lesson ../files/ We correct for this by first checking that the child documents exist and if they don't defaulting to the top of the lesson.


# needed for using internal functions: loading the namespace
pb <- asNamespace("pegboard")
# This example demonstrates a child document with another child document
# nested inside. First, we demonstrate how `find_children()` only returns
# the immediate children and then we demonstrate how the full lineage is
# extracted in the Lesson object.
# `find_children()` --------------------------------------------------------
ex <- lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment-with-child")

# The introduction has a single child document
intro <- tinkr::yarn$new(fs::path(ex, "episodes", "intro.Rmd"))
intro$head(21) # show the child document 
#> ---
#> title: "Using RMarkdown"
#> teaching: 10
#> exercises: 2
#> ---
#> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
#> - How do you write a lesson using RMarkdown and `{sandpaper}`?
#> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
#> - Explain how to use markdown with the new lesson template
#> - Demonstrate how to include pieces of code, figures, and nested challenge blocks
#> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ```{r cat-child, child="files/cat.Rmd"}
#> ```
#> /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/cat.Rmd
# this is identical to the `$children` element of an Episode object
ep <- Episode$new(fs::path(ex, "episodes", "intro.Rmd"))
#> /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/cat.Rmd

# Loading the child document reveals another child
child <- Episode$new(ep$children[[1]])
#> /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/files/session.Rmd
#> Here is a picture of a kitten:
#> ![I hope you have a good day]({alt='a random cute kitten'}
#> ```{r sessionInfo(), child="files/session.Rmd"}
#> ```

# `trace_children()` -------------------------------------------------------
# In the context of the lesson, we can find all the descendants
lsn <- Lesson$new(ex, jekyll = FALSE)
pb$trace_children(ep, lsn)
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/intro.Rmd"        
#> [2] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/cat.Rmd"    
#> [3] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/session.Rmd"
# This is the same as using the method of the same name in the Lesson object
# using the path to the episode
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/intro.Rmd"        
#> [2] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/cat.Rmd"    
#> [3] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/session.Rmd"
# show the children
purrr::walk(lsn$children, function(ep) {
    message("----", ep$path, "----")
#> ----/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/cat.Rmd----
#> Here is a picture of a kitten:
#> ![I hope you have a good day]({alt='a random cute kitten'}
#> ```{r sessionInfo(), child="files/session.Rmd"}
#> ```
#> ----/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pegboard/sandpaper-fragment-with-child/episodes/files/session.Rmd----
#> <details>
#> <summary>Here is the sesion information for this build</summary>
#> ```{r session-info}
#> sessioninfo::session_info()
#> ```
#> </details>