Create a table for headings
a data frame with three columns:
heading the text of the heading
level the heading level
pos the position of the heading in the document
node the node containing the heading
path <- file.path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "")
loop <- Episode$new(path)
pegboard:::make_heading_table(loop$headings, offset = length(loop$yaml))
#> Warning: The yaml field of yarn objects was deprecated in tinkr 0.2.1.
#> ℹ Please use frontmatter instead.
#> heading level pos
#> 1 Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names. 2 17
#> 2 Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern. 2 51
#> 3 Use glob and for to process batches of files. 2 84
#> 4 Determining Matches 2 110
#> 5 Solution 2 119
#> 6 Minimum File Size 2 125
#> 7 Solution 2 143
#> 8 Comparing Data 2 157
#> 9 Solution 2 162
#> 10 ZNK test links and images 3 187
#> node
#> 1 <heading....
#> 2 <heading....
#> 3 <heading....
#> 4 <heading....
#> 5 <heading....
#> 6 <heading....
#> 7 <heading....
#> 8 <heading....
#> 9 <heading....
#> 10 <heading....