Create a table of parsed URLs from a single Episode object.
Create a table of parsed URLs from a single Episode object.
a data frame containing the following columns:
scheme The scheme for the URL (http, https, mailto, ftp, etc...)
server The first part of the URL (e.g. doi.org or github.com)
port the port number if it exists (note: liquid tags produce weird ports)
user associated with port, usually blank
path the path element of the link
query anything after a "?" in a URL
fragment navigation within a page; anything after "#" in a URL
orig the original, unparsed URL
text the text associated with the URL (stripped of markup)
title the title (if any) of the URL
type the type of URL (image or link)
rel if it's a relative URL, the name of the anchor, otherwise NA.
anchor logical if the URL is an anchor
sourcepos the source position in the file
filepath relative path to the source file
parents list column of paths to the build parents
node a list column of the nodes with the links
loop <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md")
#> scheme server port user
#> 1 https docs.python.org NA
#> 2 https docs.python.org NA
#> 3 https docs.python.org NA
#> 4 https pandas.pydata.org NA
#> 5 https docs.python.org NA
#> 9 https carpentries.org NA
#> 10 NA
#> 6 21946
#> 7 1495420264
#> 11 https carpentries.org NA
#> 12 NA
#> 13 1467985104
#> 8 21946
#> path query
#> 1 /3/library/glob.html
#> 2 /3/library/glob.html
#> 3 /3/library/glob.html
#> 4 /pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.shape.html
#> 5 /3/library/stdtypes.html
#> 9 /assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
#> 10 ../no-workie.svg
#> 6
#> 7
#> 11 /assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
#> 12 ../no-workie.svg
#> 13
#> 8
#> fragment
#> 1 glob.glob
#> 2
#> 3
#> 4
#> 5 str.split
#> 9
#> 10
#> 6
#> 7
#> 11
#> 12
#> 13
#> 8
#> orig
#> 1 https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html#glob.glob
#> 2 https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html
#> 3 https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html
#> 4 https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.shape.html
#> 5 https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.split
#> 9 https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
#> 10 ../no-workie.svg
#> 6 {{ page.root }}/index.html
#> 7 {{ site.swc_pages }}/shell-novice
#> 11 https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
#> 12 ../no-workie.svg
#> 13 {{ page.root }}/no-workie.svg
#> 8 {{ page.root }}{% link index.md %}
#> text alt title type
#> 1 glob.glob <NA> link
#> 2 glob <NA> link
#> 3 glob <NA> link
#> 4 shape method <NA> link
#> 5 split <NA> link
#> 9 books as clubs <NA> img
#> 10 books as clubs <NA> img
#> 6 Home <NA> <NA> link
#> 7 shell <NA> <NA> link
#> 11 Carpentries logo <NA> image
#> 12 Non-working image <NA> image
#> 13 Non-working image with jekyll syntax <NA> <NA> image
#> 8 link that isn't parsed correctly by commonmark <NA> <NA> link
#> rel anchor sourcepos filepath parents node
#> 1 <NA> FALSE 51 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <link so....
#> 2 <NA> FALSE 57 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <link so....
#> 3 <NA> FALSE 58 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <link so....
#> 4 <NA> FALSE 140 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <link so....
#> 5 <NA> FALSE 163 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <link so....
#> 9 <NA> FALSE 189 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <img src....
#> 10 <NA> FALSE 191 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <img src....
#> 6 <NA> FALSE 193 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <link de....
#> 7 <NA> FALSE 193 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <link de....
#> 11 <NA> FALSE 195 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <image s....
#> 12 <NA> FALSE 197 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <image s....
#> 13 <NA> FALSE 199 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <image d....
#> 8 <NA> FALSE 201 _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md <link de....