This function is now deprecated in favour of validate_lesson()
(invisibly) if the lesson is cromulent, otherwise, it will
error with a list of things to fix.
# Everything should work out of the box
tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> ℹ No schedule set, using Rmd files in episodes/ directory.
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> → To remove this message, define your schedule in config.yaml or use `set_episodes()` to generate it.
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> ℹ To save this configuration, use
#> set_episodes(path = path, order = ep, write = TRUE)
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> ☐ Edit /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99/episodes/
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> ✔ First episode created in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99/episodes/
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> ℹ Workflows up-to-date!
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> ✔ Lesson successfully created in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99...
#> /tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99
# if things do not work, then an error is thrown with information about
# what has failed you
unlink(file.path(tmp, ".gitignore"))
unlink(file.path(tmp, "site"), recursive = TRUE)
#> ! Path '/tmp/Rtmp8JMOyz/file1de14d7bab99/site' does not exist
#> ! The .gitignore file is missing the following elements:
#> episodes/*html
#> site/*
#> !site/
#> .Rhistory
#> .Rapp.history
#> .RData
#> .Ruserdata
#> *-Ex.R
#> /*.tar.gz
#> /*.Rcheck/
#> .Rproj.user/
#> vignettes/*.html
#> vignettes/*.pdf
#> .httr-oauth
#> *_cache/
#> /cache/
#> *
#> *
#> .Renviron
#> docs/
#> po/*~
#> ! The file 'site/' does not exist
#> Error in report_validation(checklist, "There were errors with the lesson structure.") :
#> There were errors with the lesson structure.