Checkout Instructions

Last updated on 2024-12-04 | Edit this page

Instructor Trainer Checkout

After attending Instructor Trainer Training, there are three steps to complete before qualifying as a certified Carpentries Instructor Trainer.

Briefly, the three steps are:

  1. Observe a teaching demonstration session. A 1-hour evaluation of trainee teaching led by a certified Instructor Trainer.
  2. Observe part of an Instructor Training course led by certified Instructor Trainers.
  3. (If you are not already a certified Carpentries Instructor) - complete Instructor Certification.

These steps can be completed in any order.

1. Teaching Demonstration Observation

The purpose of having you attend a teaching demonstration is to allow you to observe how these sessions are led by certified Instructor Trainers. Sign up on the Teaching Demonstration Session Etherpad by adding your name in the section marked “Instructor Trainer Checkout” for the session you will attend. Before attending, read this Suggested Rubric for Teaching Demonstrations.

Take care to double check the time zone, and mark your calendar after signing up! At the time of the event, the Zoom link may be found at the top of that Etherpad.

We also provide two videos of recorded teaching demonstrations that you can watch for additional examples:

2. Instructor Training Observation

The purpose of having you observe part of an Instructor Training course is to provide you with a model for how Instructor Trainers implement the curriculum and the techniques they learn in Instructor Trainer Training. You are required to attend at least 4 hours of an Instructor Training course, but are welcome to observe a whole event if you are so inclined!

To sign up, select a session that works for you on our Instructor Training Calendar. Do not register for the session! Instead, notify which session you would like to attend. You will be introduced to the Instructor Trainers leading that session by email and provided with information about how to connect to the training.

3. Instructor Certification

All Instructor Trainers must also be certified Carpentries Instructors. If you are not already a certified Instructor, you will be required to attend a full Instructor Training course and complete the checkout steps for certification. You do not need to pay the registration fee associated with the Instructor Training course.

To sign up, select a session that works for you on our Instructor Training Calendar and register for the training using the access code provided to you. After registering, you will be provided information about how to prepare for and connect to the training by email.

Instructions about how to complete Instructor certification will be provided during the training. You can read about the required steps in advance at the Checkout Instructions page on the Instructor Training curriculum.

Maintaining Active Instructor Trainer Status

After completing the Instructor Trainer Training course and the checkout steps described above, you will be a certified Carpentries Instructor Trainer. Congratulations! In order to retain active status, Instructor Trainers are required to participate in the community in specific ways, listed in our Instructor Trainer handbook.

If your service as an Instructor Trainer is part of your institution’s Carpentries Membership, your expectations for participation may be different than those stated above and will be stated in the Memorandum of Understanding that you signed for your institution’s Membership.