17  Pull Request Responders

One feature of The Workbench is the pull request workflows that run automatically for each and every pull request. These checks will do the following:

  1. Confirm that the pull request is not invalid or spoofing another pull request or doing something potentially malicious.
  2. Check the lesson for any invalid markdown elements
  3. Rebuild the markdown outputs (not the site) in a safe environment and deploy it to an orphan branch that will allow the lesson maintainer to audit the changes brought in by the pull request (this is important for R Markdown lessons).

When the checks have finished, GitHub will add a comment to the pull request that informs the maintainer about what has changed.

flowchart LR
    subgraph PULL REQUEST
    classDef default color:#383838,fill:#FFF7F1,stroke-width:1px
    classDef external color:#383838,fill:#E6EEF8,stroke-width:1px
    classDef normal color:#081457,fill:#E3E6FC,stroke-width:1px
    classDef local fill:#FFC700,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
    classDef remote fill:#D2BDF2,stroke:#201434,stroke-width:1px
    classDef notouch fill:#F99697,stroke:#A4050E,stroke-width:1px

    PR[\"pull request"\]:::remote

    PR --> pr-preflight.yaml
    pr-preflight.yaml -.->|"comments on"| PR
    pr-preflight.yaml ~~~ pr-recieve.yaml
    PR -->|"on maintainer approval"| pr-recieve.yaml
    pr-recieve.yaml -.-|"uses"| md-outputs
    pr-recieve.yaml -.->|"triggers"| pr-comment.yaml
    pr-comment.yaml -.->|"creates"| md-outputs-PR
    pr-comment.yaml -.->|"comments on"| PR
    PR -.->|"on close"| pr-close-signal.yaml
    pr-close-signal.yaml -.->|"triggers"| pr-post-remove-branch.yaml
    pr-post-remove-branch.yaml -.->|"deletes"| md-outputs-PR

17.1 Motivation

Much of the motivation for the pull request audits can be found in the Auditing Pull Requests episode in The Workbench documentation.

flowchart TB
    classDef default color:#383838,fill:#FFF7F1,stroke-width:1px
    classDef external color:#383838,fill:#E6EEF8,stroke-width:1px
    classDef normal color:#081457,fill:#E3E6FC,stroke-width:1px
    classDef local fill:#FFC700,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
    classDef remote fill:#D2BDF2,stroke:#201434,stroke-width:1px
    classDef notouch fill:#F99697,stroke:#A4050E,stroke-width:1px

    pr["Pull Request"]:::remote
    receive["Receive Pull Request"]:::remote
    validate["Check Valid PR"]:::local
    branch["Create md-outputs-{PR}"]:::local
    comment["Comment on Pull Request"]:::local
    review["Maintainer Review"]:::remote
    destroy["Destroy md-outputs-{PR}"]:::local

    pr --> receive;
    receive --> validate;
    validate -.->|"valid"| branch;
    validate -.->|"invalid"| comment;
    branch --> comment
    comment --> review
    review --> reject 
    review --> accept 
    accept --> deploy 
    deploy ~~~ destroy
    accept --> destroy 
    reject --> destroy 

17.2 Preflight Checks

17.3 Pull Request Checks

17.4 Clean up