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This will validate the following aspects of all headings:


validate_headings(headings, title = NULL, offset = 5L)









An object of class character of length 5.

An object of class character of length 5.



an object of xml_nodelist.


the title of the document


the number of lines to offset the position (equal to the size of the yaml header).


a data frame that contains the results of make_heading_table() and logical columns that match the name of the test.


a list with two elements:

  1. a data frame that contains the results of make_heading_table() and logical columns for each test where FALSE indicates a failed test for a given heading.

  2. a data frame that can be printed as a tree with show_heading_tree()


  • first heading starts at level 2 (first_heading_is_second_level)

  • greater than level 1 (all_are_greater_than_first_level)

  • increse sequentially (e.g. no jumps from 2 to 4) (all_are_sequential)

  • have names (all_have_names)

  • unique in their own hierarchy (all_are_unique)


This is an internal function implemented for the Episode and Lesson classes.


l <- Lesson$new(lesson_fragment())
e <- l$episodes[[3]]
# Our headings validators run a series of tests on headings and return a data
# frame with information about the headings along with the results of the
# tests
v <- pegboard:::validate_headings(e$headings, e$get_yaml()$title, length(e$yaml))
#> [1] "results" "tree"   
#>                                                             heading level pos
#> 1      Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names.     2  17
#> 2  Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern.     2  51
#> 3                     Use glob and for to process batches of files.     2  84
#> 4                                               Determining Matches     2 110
#> 5                                                          Solution     2 119
#> 6                                                 Minimum File Size     2 125
#> 7                                                          Solution     2 143
#> 8                                                    Comparing Data     2 157
#> 9                                                          Solution     2 162
#> 10                                        ZNK test links and images     3 187
#>            node first_heading_is_second_level greater_than_first_level
#> 1  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 2  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 3  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 4  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 5  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 6  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 7  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 8  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 9  <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#> 10 <heading....                          TRUE                     TRUE
#>    are_sequential have_names are_unique
#> 1            TRUE       TRUE       TRUE
#> 2            TRUE       TRUE       TRUE
#> 3            TRUE       TRUE       TRUE
#> 4            TRUE       TRUE       TRUE
#> 5            TRUE       TRUE      FALSE
#> 6            TRUE       TRUE       TRUE
#> 7            TRUE       TRUE      FALSE
#> 8            TRUE       TRUE       TRUE
#> 9            TRUE       TRUE      FALSE
#> 10           TRUE       TRUE       TRUE
v$results$path <- fs::path_rel(e$path, e$lesson)
# The validator does not produce any warnings or messages, but this data
# frame can be passed on to other functions that will throw them for us. We
# have a function that will throw a warning/message for each heading that
# fails the tests. These messages are controlled by `heading_tests` and 
# `heading_info`.
#>   first_heading_is_second_level        greater_than_first_level 
#>             "(must be level 2)"         "(first level heading)" 
#>                  are_sequential                      have_names 
#> "(non-sequential heading jump)"                     "(no name)" 
#>                      are_unique 
#>                  "(duplicated)" 
#>      first_heading_is_second_level           greater_than_first_level 
#>    "First heading must be level 2" "Level 1 headings are not allowed" 
#>                     are_sequential                         have_names 
#>      "Headings must be sequential"           "Headings must be named" 
#>                         are_unique 
#>          "Headings must be unique" 
#> ! There were errors in 3/10 headings
#> ◌ Headings must be unique
#> <>
#> ::warning file=_episodes/,line=119:: (duplicated)
#> ::warning file=_episodes/,line=143:: (duplicated)
#> ::warning file=_episodes/,line=162:: (duplicated)
# Because the headings are best understood in tree form we have a utility
# that will print the heading tree with the associated errors:
#> ── Heading structure ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # Episode: “Looping Over Data Sets” 
#> ├─## Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names. 
#> ├─## Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern. 
#> ├─## Use glob and for to process batches of files. 
#> ├─## Determining Matches 
#> ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
#> ├─## Minimum File Size 
#> ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
#> ├─## Comparing Data 
#> └─## Solution  (duplicated)
#>   └─### ZNK test links and images 
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────