Identify what files need to be rebuilt and what need to be removed
takes in a vector of files and compares them against a text
database of files with checksums. It's been heavily adapted from blogdown to
provide utilities for removal and updating of the old database.
get_hash(path, db = fs::path(path_built(path), "md5sum.txt"))
get_built_db(db = "site/built/md5sum.txt", filter = "*R?md")
db = "site/built/md5sum.txt",
rebuild = FALSE,
write = FALSE
- path
path to at least one generated markdown file
- db
the path to the database
- filter
regex describing files to include.
- sources
a character vector of ALL source files OR a single file to be rebuilt. These must be absolute paths
- rebuild
if the files should be rebuilt, set this to TRUE (defaults to FALSE)
- write
if TRUE, the database will be updated, Defaults to FALSE, meaning that the database will remain the same.
a list of the following elements
build absolute paths of files to build
new a new data frame with three columns:
file the relative path to the source file
checksum the md5 sum of the source file
built the relative path to the built file
date the date a file was last updated/built
remove absolute paths of files to remove. This will be missing if there is nothing to remove
old old database (for debugging). This will be missing if there is no old database or if a single file was rebuilt.
returns the text database, which you can filter on
should probably be named get_expected_hash()
because it will
return the expected hash of a given file from the database
If you supply a single file into this function, we assume that you want that
one file to be rebuilt, so we will always return that file in the $build
element and update the md5 sum in the database (if it has changed at all).
If you supply multiple files, you are indicating that these are the only files you care about and the database will be updated accordingly, removing entries missing from the sources.
# This demonstration will show how a temporary database can be set up. It
# will only work with a sandpaper lesson
# setup -----------------------------------------------------------------
tmp <- tempfile()
on.exit(fs::dir_delete(tmp), add = TRUE)
#> Error: [ENOENT] Failed to search directory '/tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224': no such file or directory
create_lesson(tmp, rmd = FALSE, open = FALSE)
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> ℹ No schedule set, using Rmd files in episodes/ directory.
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> → To remove this message, define your schedule in config.yaml or use `set_episodes()` to generate it.
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> ℹ To save this configuration, use
#> set_episodes(path = path, order = ep, write = TRUE)
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> ☐ Edit /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.md.
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> ✔ First episode created in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.md
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> ℹ Workflows up-to-date!
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> ✔ Lesson successfully created in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224
#> → Creating Lesson in /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224...
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224
# show build status -----------------------------------------------------
# get namespace to use internal functions
sp <- asNamespace("sandpaper")
db <- fs::path(tmp, "site/built/md5sum.txt")
resources <- fs::path(tmp, c("episodes/introduction.md", "index.md"))
# first run, everything needs to be built and no build file exists
sp$build_status(resources, db, write = TRUE)
#> $build
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.md
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/index.md
#> $new
#> file
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.md episodes/introduction.md
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/index.md index.md
#> checksum
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.md fd46501f174bb7e6cc280a1436fbc12a
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.md site/built/introduction.md
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/index.md site/built/index.md
#> date
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/index.md 2025-01-31
# second run, everything is identical and nothing to be rebuilt
sp$build_status(resources, db, write = TRUE)
#> $build
#> character(0)
#> $remove
#> character(0)
#> $new
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.md fd46501f174bb7e6cc280a1436fbc12a
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
#> $old
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.md fd46501f174bb7e6cc280a1436fbc12a
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
# this is because the db exists on disk and you can query it
sp$get_built_db(db, filter = "*")
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.md fd46501f174bb7e6cc280a1436fbc12a
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
sp$get_built_db(db, filter = "*R?md")
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.md fd46501f174bb7e6cc280a1436fbc12a
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
# if you get the hash of the file, it's equal to the expected:
print(actual <- tools::md5sum(resources[[1]]))
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.md
#> "fd46501f174bb7e6cc280a1436fbc12a"
print(expected <- sp$get_hash(resources[[1]], db))
#> [1] "fd46501f174bb7e6cc280a1436fbc12a"
unname(actual == expected)
#> [1] TRUE
# replaced files need to be rebuilt -------------------------------------
# if we change the introduction to an R Markdown file, the build will
# see this as a deleted file and re-added file.
cat("This is now an R Markdown document and the time is `r Sys.time()`\n",
file = resources[[1]], append = TRUE)
fs::file_move(resources[[1]], fs::path_ext_set(resources[[1]], "Rmd"))
resources[[1]] <- fs::path_ext_set(resources[[1]], "Rmd")
set_episodes(tmp, fs::path_file(resources[[1]]), write = TRUE)
sp$build_status(resources, db, write = TRUE)
#> $build
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.Rmd
#> $remove
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/site/built/introduction.md
#> $new
#> file checksum
#> 2 episodes/introduction.Rmd 42f28ae9ac714f87eb912bfccf614cab
#> 1 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 2 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 1 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
#> $old
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.md fd46501f174bb7e6cc280a1436fbc12a
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
# modified files need to be rebuilt -------------------------------------
cat("We are using `r R.version.string`\n",
file = resources[[1]], append = TRUE)
sp$build_status(resources, db, write = TRUE)
#> $build
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.Rmd
#> $remove
#> character(0)
#> $new
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.Rmd 700f007bdd7e8fd6e3f7011f80dacf7b
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
#> $old
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.Rmd 42f28ae9ac714f87eb912bfccf614cab
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
# child files require rebuilding ----------------------------------------
writeLines("Hello from another file!\n",
fs::path(tmp, "episodes", "files", "hi.md"))
cat("\n\n```{r child='files/hi.md'}\n```\n",
file = resources[[1]], append = TRUE)
sp$build_status(resources, db, write = TRUE)
#> $build
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.Rmd
#> $remove
#> character(0)
#> $new
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.Rmd 4a0b39645c21579d9992ad3b50d623e4
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
#> $old
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.Rmd 700f007bdd7e8fd6e3f7011f80dacf7b
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
# NOTE: for child files, the checksums are the checksum of the checksums
# of the parent and children, so the file checksum may not make sense
# changing a child file rebuilds the parent ----------------------------
cat("Goodbye!\n", append = TRUE,
file = fs::path(tmp, "episodes", "files", "hi.md"))
sp$build_status(resources, db, write = TRUE)
#> $build
#> /tmp/RtmpYBgYtz/file1ea4203de224/episodes/introduction.Rmd
#> $remove
#> character(0)
#> $new
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.Rmd 2ab510dfa3fbd1f224ab3c20547391ea
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31
#> $old
#> file checksum
#> 1 episodes/introduction.Rmd 4a0b39645c21579d9992ad3b50d623e4
#> 2 index.md a02c9c785ed98ddd84fe3d34ddb12fcd
#> built date
#> 1 site/built/introduction.md 2025-01-31
#> 2 site/built/index.md 2025-01-31