Figure 1
Collaborative Lesson Development Training is
taught over three days (six half days), with an extended break between
the first two days (“part 1”) and the last day (“part 2”). The training
in part 1 focusses on good practices in lesson design and development,
and the concepts and skills needed to build a lesson website with The
Carpentries lesson infrastructure. Part 2 of the training begins with a
reflective discussion of lesson deisgn and iterative development, before
shifting focus to the skills required for effective collaboration on
open source projects.
Lesson Design
Figure 1
An overview of the iterative process of lesson
design and development, adapted from Nicholls’ five phases, that will be
presented in this training.
Figure 2

The life cycle of a lesson
Identifying Your Target Audience
Defining Lesson Objectives/Outcomes
Figure 1
In this episode we will begin the first step of
our iterative design process: defining the skills and knowledge we want
learners to leave with.
Figure 2
This diagram highlights the most important
elements of a learning objective.
Example Data and Narrative
Designing Exercises
Figure 1
In this episode we move to the second of our
iterative design process: designing assessments to measure learners’
attainment of the objectives we defined previously.
How to Write a Lesson
Figure 1
Now that we have designed assessments to measure
attainment of the objectives set for the lesson, it is time to begin
developing teaching content to give learners the knowledge and skills
they need to succeed in those assessments.
Figure 2

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide at Mauna Loa
The Carpentries Workbench
Figure 1

Directory structure of new lesson repository
created from a lesson template. Note that new repositories created from
the R Markdown lesson template will include an additional
directory.Adding Lesson Content
Figure 1

A rendered lesson prerequisite fenced div
Figure 2

An example rendered lesson episode page
How we Operate
Figure 1

The life cycle of a lesson, annotated to
indicate the platforms provided for lesson projects at each stage of the
Preparing to Teach
Figure 1
In this episode, we will discuss how you can
measure learner progress and gather feedback about the effectiveness of
your content by teaching the lesson.
Part 1 Wrap-up
Reflecting on Trial Runs
Figure 1
In this episode, we will discuss the final step
of the iterative lesson design process: how you can use the notes,
information, and feedback you collected when trialling your lesson to
identify ways that the design and content could be improved.
Collaborating with Your Team
Collaborating with Newcomers
Figure 1

GitHub’s different notification settings when
watching repository events with ‘All Activity’ highlighted
Project Management and Governance
Figure 1
Microsoft Planner project management board