Introduction to The Carpentries Workbench

Last updated on 2024-10-18 | Edit this page



  • How do I get started?


  • Create new lesson from scratch
  • Identify the main command to preview the site
  • Understand the basic structure of a new workbench

Let’s say you have a set of Markdown or R Markdown files that you used for a class website that you want to convert into a Carpentries Lesson. To go from zero to a new lesson website that can auto-render R Markdown documents to a functional website is three steps with sandpaper:

  1. Create a site
  2. Push to GitHub
  3. Add your files

That’s it. After that, if you know how to write in Markdown, you are good to go.

Takeaway message

Contributors should only be expected to know basic markdown and very minimal yaml syntax in order to work on lessons.

Super Quickstart: Copy A Template from GitHub

The absolute quickest way to get started with The Carpentries Workbench is to create a GitHub repository with one of the two available templates, depending on your preference:

Step 1: Choose a template

Step 2: Choose a name for your lesson repository.

Name it “buoyant-barnacle”. select “Include All Branches”. Click on the button that says “Create repository from template”

Creating a new lesson repository

Screenshot of a webform that says 'Create a new repository from workbench-template-md'. It says that the new repository will contain the same files and folders as carpentries/workbench-template-md and has two required fields for Owner and Repository Name, which are filled in as ravmakz and buoyant-barnacle. There is a blank Description option, a radio button that selects public/private, and an checked checkbox to include all branches
What you should see when you click on one of the above two links

Step 3: Customise your site

On GitHub, open the config.yaml file, and click on the pencil icon on the top and edit the values, especially “carpentry”, “source”, and “title” to reflect your own repository. Commit the file using the form at the bottom of the page.

That’s it. The website should update in about 2-3 minutes with your information. If you want to continue working directly on GitHub, you can do so. If you want to work locally, be sure to follow the setup instructions, clone your lesson to your computer, open RStudio (or your preferrred interface to R) inside the lesson folder, and preview your new lesson

Quickstart: Create a New Lesson

Create a Lesson Locally

Follow these steps to create a brand new lesson on your Desktop called “buoyant-barnacle”.

  1. Follow the setup instructions
  2. Open RStudio (or your preferred interface to R)
  3. Use the following code:


library("fs") # file system package for cross-platform paths

# Create a brand new lesson on your desktop called "buoyant-barnacle"
bb <- path_home("Desktop/buoyant-barnacle")
print(bb) # print the new path to your screen
create_lesson(bb) # create a new lesson in that path

If everything went correctly, you will now have a new RStudio window open to your new project called “buoyant-barnacle” on your Desktop (if you did not use RStudio, your working directory should have changed, you can check it via the getwd() command).

Your lesson will be initialized with a brand new git repository with the initial commit message being Initial commit [via {sandpaper}].

🪲 Known Quirk

If you are using RStudio, then an RStudio project file (*.Rproj) is automatically created to help anchor your project. You might notice changes to this file at first as RStudio applies your global user settings to the file. This is perfectly normal and we will fix this in a future iteration of {sandpaper}.

Previewing Your New Lesson

After you created your lesson, you will want to preview it locally. First, make sure that you are in your newly-created repository and then use the following command:



What’s with the :: syntax?

This is a syntax that clearly states what package a particular function comes from. In this case, sandpaper::serve() tells R to use the serve() function from the sandpaper package. These commands can be run without first calling library(<packagename>), so they are more portable. I will be using this syntax for the rest of the lesson.

If you are working in RStudio, you will see a preview of your lesson in the viewer pane and if you are working in a different program, a browser window will open, showing a live preview of the lesson. When you edit files, they will automatically be rebuilt to your website.

DID YOU KNOW? Keyboard Shortcuts are Available

If you are using RStudio, did you know you can use keyboard shortcuts to render the lesson as you are working on the episodes?

Render and preview the whole lesson
ctrl + shift + B
Render and preview an episode
ctrl + shift + K

The first time you run this function, you might see A LOT of output on your screen and then your browser will open the preview. If you run the command again, you will see much less output. If you like to would like to know how everything works under the hood, you can check out the {sandpaper} package documentation.

How do I determine the order of files displayed on the website?

The config.yaml file contains four fields that correspond to the folders in your repository: episodes, instructors, learners, profiles. If the list is empty, then the files in the folders are displayed in alphabetical order, but if you want to customize exactly what content is published on the website, you can add a yaml list of the filenames to determine order.

For example, if you had three episodes called “”, “part_two.Rmd”, and “” and you wanted to only show introduction and part_two, you would edit config.yaml to list those two files under episodes::


- part_two.Rmd

Push to GitHub

The lesson you just created lives local on your computer, but still needs to go to GitHub. At this point, we assume that you have successfully linked your computer to GitHub.

  1. visit
  2. enter buoyant-barnacle as the repository name
  3. Press the green “Create Repository” button at the bottom of the page
  4. Follow the instructions on the page to push an existing repository from the command line.

A few minutes after you pushed your repository, the GitHub workflows would have validated your lesson and created deployment branches. You can track the progress at<USERNAME>/buoyant-barnacle/actions/. Once you have a green check mark, you can set up GitHub Pages by going to<USERNAME>/buoyant-barnacle/settings/pages and choosing gh-pages from the dropdown menu as shown in the image below:

screencapture of the initial view of the GitHub Pages section of the settings tab

Click on the “select branch” button and select “gh-pages”, then click “Save”:

screencapture of expanded "select branch" button with "gh-pages" selected

After completing this configuration, the URL for your lesson website will be displayed at the top of the page. Site URLs can be customised, but the default URL structure is https://<USERNAME><REPONAME>/: the URL of the buoyant-barnacle example used so far would be https://<USERNAME>

Be Patient

GitHub needs to start up a new virtual machine the first time you use this, so it may take anywhere from 4 minutes up to 30 minutes for things to get started: 15 minutes for the workflow to spin up and then another 15 minutes for the machine to bootstrap and cache.

Alternative: Two-step solution in R

If you use R and use an HTTPS protocol, this can be done in a single step from inside RStudio with the {usethis} package:



The use_github() function will set up a new repository under your personal account called buoyant-barnacle, add that remote to your git remotes, and automatically push your repository to GitHub.

The use_github_pages() function will signal to GitHub that it should allow the gh-pages branch to serve the website at

The output of these commands should look something like this:


> use_github()
✔ Creating GitHub repository 'zkamvar/buoyant-barnacle'
✔ Setting remote 'origin' to ''
✔ Pushing 'main' branch to GitHub and setting 'origin/main' as upstream branch
✔ Opening URL ''

> use_github_pages()
✔ Initializing empty, orphan 'gh-pages' branch in GitHub repo 'zkamvar/buoyant-barnacle'
✔ GitHub Pages is publishing from:
• URL: ''
• Branch: 'gh-pages'
• Path: '/'

If you don’t use the HTTPS protocol, and want to find out how to set it in R, we have a walkthrough to set your credentials in the learners section.


As described in the setup document, The Carpentries Workbench only requires R and pandoc to be installed. The tooling from the styles lesson template has been split up into three R packages:

  1. {varnish} contains the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript elements
  2. {pegboard} is a validator for the markdown documents
  3. {sandpaper} is the engine that puts everything together.

Key Points

  • Lessons can be created with create_lesson()
  • Preview lessons with serve()
  • The toolchain is designed to be modular.