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Database models

This document describes and summarizes roles of database models used in AMY. Models are stored in each of the applications, in file, for example: workshops/


Following classes are used to extend models with some features:


Django mechanism for extending custom user classes, see documentation.


Adds assigned_to field to the model. Used to define which Person is handling given model instance.


Adds active boolean field to the model. Determines if model instance is considered active (enabled) or inactive (disabled).


Adds created_at and last_updated_at datetime fields to the model. created_at is updated to current timestamp only on model's creation, last_updated_at is updated on every model instance save.


Extends CreatedUpdatedMixin with archived_at field, empty and nullable. This is used by consents feature.


Adds boolean field for storing agreement to privacy policy. Used by Person model, as well as all requests models (TrainingRequest, WorkshopRequest, WorkshopInquiryRequest, SelfOrganisedSubmission).


Adds boolean field for storing agreement to code of conduct. Used by all requests models (TrainingRequest, WorkshopRequest, WorkshopInquiryRequest, SelfOrganisedSubmission).


Adds boolean field for storing agreement to list of workshop host responsibilities. Used by all workshop requests models (WorkshopRequest, WorkshopInquiryRequest, SelfOrganisedSubmission).


Adds boolean field for storing agreement to lack of guarantee to allocate instructors for a centrally-organised workshop. Used by WorkshopRequest and WorkshopInquiryRequest.


Adds field to link model instance to a particular event. Used by workshop request models: WorkshopRequest, WorkshopInquiryRequest, SelfOrganisedSubmission.


Adds a choice field with 3 options: "Pending", "Discarded" and "Accepted". Used for determining state of a particular request (usually). Used by WorkshopRequest, WorkshopInquiryRequest, SelfOrganisedSubmission, InstructorRecruitmentSignup.


Extends StateMixin with new choice: "Withdrawn". Used only by TrainingRequest.


Adds two fields. First with a list of available genders to choose from, including gender variant, undisclosed, and other. Second field allows for text entry of "other" gender value. Used by Person model, but also appears in some forms for updating or creating Person model instances.


Adds an email field for storing alternative email address. Used by Person, TrainingRequest and CommonRequest mixin.


Adds field to link model instance to RQJob instance. Usually this indicates that a particular model instance triggered and automated email (represented by RQJob instance). Used by Term, InstructorRecruitmentSignup, Person, Event, Task and WorkshopRequest.


Adds multiple fields in common between workshop requests models (WorkshopRequest, WorkshopInquiryRequest, SelfOrganisedSubmission).

Versioning mechanism

Some of the models are using a @reversion.register decorator. This decorator comes from a django-reversion package indended for storing and easily restoring of historic "versions" of model instances.

See versioning documentation for more.

Auxiliary functions and models

django-countries (documentation) is used for location purposes within Airport, Organization and Event-related models.

django-contrib-comments is a package previously included in the Django itself. It's used as a comments framework. Comments can be added to any model instance.

User management and authentication

A custom user model (Person) was defined according to Django documentation.

Core models - workshops/

"Core" models are models defined inside workshops application, the oldest application in AMY. Originally it was created as a single application project, at some point it was split into more applications (modules).


Represents an organisation, academic or business entity. Multiple organisations can be linked (affiliated) together.


Simple model representing a role assigned to a member.


An intermediate table for M2M between memberships and organisations. Allows to specify organisation's membership and role inside a Membership model.


Represents a membership of some organisation (or consortium of organisations) in The Carpentries project. Memberships can be paid. With each membership comes a number of fields defining perks like allowable number of centrally-organised workshops that don't need to pay fee.


Represents an airport (used for example to locate instructors).


Represents a single person. This is an extension of Django's default user model, built with AbstractBaseuser.


Label for grouping events. In M2M relation with Event.


Represents a human language. Used to indicate a language used at an event. In relation with models: Event, WorkshopRequest, WorkshopInquiryRequest, SelfOrganisedSubmission.


Represents a single event. The most important model of all.


Simple model representing a role assinged to a person.


An intermediate table for M2M between events and persons. Represents a task person had for a particular event. Links with a role to provide more detailed information.


Simple model representing a lesson someone might teach.


Intermediate table between person and a lesson. Nowadays probably not very much used.


Quite important model to represent a certain skill (badge).


Intermediate table for M2M between persons and badges. Represents a badge that someone was awarded.


Represents a knowledge domain (like High Performance Computing) a person is engaged in.


Represents a request for instructor training. Usually these requests come from people who are not AMY users.

This model falls into external requests domain, which also includes WorkshopRequest, WorkshopInquiryRequest, and SelfOrganisedSubmission.

This model also falls into trainings domain.


Represents a requirement that a prospect future instructor need to pass.

This model also falls into trainings domain.


Intermediate table for M2M between Person, TrainingRequirement, and optionally Involvement. Indicates "pass", "fail", or "asked to repeat" progress of a person over a particular requirement. Once all required requirements are passed, person can become an instructor.


Represents a curriculum of a lesson taught at a workshop.


Simple model to represent academic (education) level, e.g. "staff" or "post-doctorate". Used in external requests / forms.


Simple model to represent computer proficiency (novice / intermediate / proficient). Used in external requests / forms.


Simple model to represent source of information about The Carpentries. Used in external requests / forms.

CommonRequest - see mixins

A common ancestor for:

Since all these requests are used in external forms, and are very similar to each other, some common parts were extracted into CommonRequest abstract model (mixin).


Represents a request for teaching a Carpentries workshop.

This model falls into external requests domain.

Fiscal application - fiscal/


Simple model, represents person role within a membership (see Membership for more).


Similar to Task model, but it's for a person task within a membership. Links to MembershipPersonRole.

External requests application - extrequests/


Simple model represents a variant of data (e.g. tabular data, images, nucleotide sequence, unstructured text, etc.) that would be used in a workshop. The model is used only by WorkshopInquiryRequest.


Represents an inquiry about teaching a Carpentries workshop.

This model falls into external requests domain.


Represents submission of a workshop that was self-organised (i.e. without help of The Carpentries).

This model falls into external requests domain.

Dashboard application - dashboard/


Represents a combination of countries and email associated with them. Used to direct emails to a specific admin (for example UK admin) mailbox.


Represents a group of countries. Used in some internal forms, e.g. for filtering events.

Recruitment application - recruitment/


Represents a recruitment of instructors for a given event (Event).


Represents an application of a single instructor for a given instructor recruitment (InstructorRecruitment).

Consents application - consents/


Represents a term people should give consent to.


Represents a response for a Term with custom text and boolean agree / decline type.

Represents a consent person gives (or not) to a given term. Intermediate table for M2M between Person and Term, and TermOption.


Represents a consent an instructor applicant gives (or not) to a given term. Intermediate table for M2M between TrainingRequest and Term, and TermOption.

Community Roles application - communityroles/


Stores configuration enforced when creating entries in CommunityRole. Determines what "kind" of a role it is, for example "Instructor", or "Maintainer".


Simple model represents reason for making a CommunityRole inactive.


Represents person's role in a community. It's an extension of Task, but instead of events, it works for The Carpentries' community.

Automated Emails (v1, 2019) application - autoemails/


Represents email template to be used by a triggered email action.


Simple model linking template with an email action. Email actions aren't models, so the list of choices is maintained as ACTION_CHOICES.


Represents a python-rq job. This job is identified by UUID and links to Redis entry maintained by RQ library.

Training application - trainings/


Represents an activity that can be completed as part of the Get Involved step of Instructor Training checkout. Referenced by TrainingProgress.

Emails (v2, 2023) application - emails/


Represents email template to be used by a scheduled email.


Model containing details of a scheduled email. This is used for queueing emails to be sent, as well as capturing any failed, locked, or cancelled emails. When accessed from AMY API, it can return a list of emails that should be attempted to be sent by the email worker.


Represents a log entry for a scheduled email. This is used to track the status changes of an email.