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AMY release v1.2.0

This is the third post-gsoc release of AMY, the workshop management tool for Software-Carpentry. This release was supported by prof. Ethan White. Thanks a lot!

Below you can find release notes for v1.2.0.

New features

  • (big one) fix finding, parsing and validating of event tags: it will now work with <meta> tags on workshop websites
  • after approving person's profile update request, the updated profile is displayed instead of the list of other update requests.
  • password reset form was added,
  • issues related to, for example, missing location data are now highlighted on event details page,
  • (big one) admins can now be assigned to specific events or event requests,
  • Greg changed descriptions section names on "instructor issues" page,
  • the same page was updated by me so that we can have pending and "gave-up-on" trainees listed,
  • the previous feature was introduced thanks to new 'stalled' tag,
  • our API gained some filtering (go to, click "OPTIONS" and look at "query_params"; these can be added to the API calls, for example:
  • the same API gained a new endpoint used for generating list of current members of Software-Carpentry Foundation; this is in no way official list of members, but it can be used to help determine who's eligible (credits for this one go to both Greg and me since I finished his pull request),
  • it's now possible to search in events' URL, contact, venue and address fields,
  • 2 new options for invoice status were added (not invoiced for historical reasons and not invoiced because of membership),
  • more places (workshop issues, and on each workshop without attendance data) to send "Give us attendance figures" emails, more people to send to,
  • profile update requests can now be edited by admins.

Bug fixes

  • wrong object type passed to "".format() method
  • wrong characters permitted in event slugs
  • (big one) inconsistant logic in EventQuerySet.(un)published_events methods