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AMY release v1.5.0

Development of AMY in February had seen a boost due to the winter break, and that ended with today's release of v1.5.0.

New features

The biggest new features for this release:

  • new workshops requests once accepted are linked to resulting events
  • admins now can submit invoices from AMY
  • admins can now receive event submissions (this should work really well for self-organized workshops that already have a workshop page)

Other changes:

  • badge details view allows for filtering
  • development and production software was updated
  • production assets (JavaScript and CSS files) are now compressed and served with unique name
  • persons merging was reworked and is now a lot better
  • it's possible to find duplicates in the database now
  • base templates were renamed to lower confusion
  • API returns award date for every person for every badge
  • added CSV renderer to some API endpoint for exporting members
  • debrief was renamed and also allows for CSV export
  • Award model gained awarded_by field pointing to the person responsible for awarding a badge
  • person lookup in some places now works for "Name Lastname" pattern too.

Changes contributed by Greg:

  • CSV export of instructor completion rates
  • CSV export of missing instructor certificates

(Greg's responsible for training new instructors.)

Bug fixes

  • Django Rest Framework erroring URLs were removed (still not sure what caused them to error-out)
  • dashboard and workshop issues now show only active (== not stalled, not marked as complete) events
  • workshop issues was extended by providing a list of workshops without any assigned instructors
  • a rare error when looking someone up was fixed
  • API throttle rates have been increased
  • current and upcoming events on the dashboard are now based off of published events.