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AMY release v1.7.0

After another two weeks of development and two weeks of delays, we're finally releasing AMY v1.7.0

This release is especially interesting since:

  1. it includes mostly Aditya's and Chris' PRs
  2. it includes two big PRs containing the biggest part of Aditya's and Chris' Summer projects.

New features

  • Chris helped check for missing migrations in automated continuous integration service Travis-CI
  • Chris sped up Travis-CI checks of AMY's test suite by using a cache directory
  • Aditya as part of his Summer work added titles and URLs to task objects in AMY (useful feature for PyData conference integration)
  • Aditya changed form for creating new events so that admins can assign themselves to a new event while creating it
  • Aditya added a Sponsorship model to AMY and integrated it with AMY (we can now track sponsors for events)
  • Aditya migrated Host to Organization: it fixed some naming inconsistencies
  • in v1.6 we dropped support for numerical event IDs to rely only on slugs (e.g. 2016-08-13-Krakow or 2017-01-xx-Boston), now Aditya cleaned some remains left in the code from before dropping the support
  • Piotr added support for cancelled tag used to mark events supposed to happen but not happening eventually
  • Chris added instructor training workflow, ie. huge part of AMY used for instructor training
  • Aditya added a feature for importing people, events, tasks from PyData conference site in a comfortable way

Bug fixes

  • Chris tracked and fixed an error in part of AMY responsible for allowing users to log in with other credentials than user/password (currently: GitHub login)
  • Piotr fixed an API error occuring in some views (endpoints) when using CSV or YAML return format
  • Chris added access to AMY for people in invoicing group
  • Chris replaced entity — with actual char
  • Aditya added a contact field on Sponsorship model
  • Chris fixed issue with user social integration with GitHub getting out of sync
  • Piotr fixed JavaScript code responsible for generating dates (it was generating e.g. 2016-8-3, it's now generating 2016-08-03)