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AMY release v2.10.0 - 2020-01-12

Major AMY release v2.10.0.

New features

  • Piotr added more badges to badge column on all persons / event details / workshop staff pages - #1594
  • maneesha added notes about changing email or GH identificator - #1588
  • Piotr extended Gender choices in multiple forms and models - #1597
  • Piotr added a secondary email field to multiple forms and models - #1599
  • maneesha updated Code of Conduct - #1601
  • Piotr added a priority field to Tag model - #1603
  • Piotr extended Training Request confirmation email with a copy of applicant's form - #1606


  • Piotr updated important dependency to a newer version: Django v2.2.9 - #1592
  • maneesha updated readme with instructions for creating cache tables - #1590
  • maneesha fixed wrong Etherpad link for signing up for demo sessions - #1585
  • Piotr reworked login page to be more responsive on smaller screens - #1595
  • Piotr fixed Django-Compressor, a dependency for performance of CSS / JS file serving, poor performance due to cache changes - #1600
  • Piotr fixed wrong display and saving of values in "Additional contact" widget - #1596
  • Piotr fixed wrong permission name for WorkshopInquiryAssign view - #1602
  • Piotr fixed searching for LC instructors on All Trainees page, fixed eligibility conditions for all badges, and slightly changed behavior due to now 3 separate instructor badges being used - #1593
  • Piotr updated some dependencies due to some deprecation warnings - #1604