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AMY release v2.16.0 - 2021-01-30

Major AMY release v2.16.0. This release contains long-time cooking change: migration to a new database server PostgreSQL. The server will improve AMY performance and work during high load.

New features

  • Piotr migrated AMY to use new server PostgreSQL, and removed some unused code - #1750
  • Piotr improved search by introducing membership search and some changes to search page UI - #1768
  • Piotr extended some automated email templates with list of host roles in the workshop - #1770
  • Piotr improved membership agreement dates: they're now required, default to 1 year long agreement, and show warnings if the time range changes - #1771
  • Piotr changed the assignment widget to a much more versatile form with drop down selection - #1772
  • maneesha updated wording on Training Request confirmation email - #1769


  • François updated license with corrected name of The Carpentries - #1763
  • François updated default email address used by Carpentries team - #1766