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AMY release v2.3.0 - 2018-12-13

Major AMY v2.3.0 was released, with a delay, on 2018-12-13.

The biggest highlight of this release is definitely not very visible to end-users: code reorganization into applications (modules). Current AMY internal modules structure is described in models in applications document.

Changes made to workshop request form are also noticeable.

New features

  • Piotr reorganized code into smaller and more themed modules (e.g. forms accessible to unauthorized users are in extforms, user requests are in extrequests, fiscal stuff is in fiscal, etc.).
  • Piotr added a small warning for trainings that fall out of agreement dates.
  • Piotr updated Person model with a lesson publication consent field; the field is editable from person edit form (by admins), from self-update form (by users themselves), and is exposed to authorized users via API.
  • Piotr added new Tags: ITT, LSO and LMO, and also changed display of tags in AMY (now they offer a tooltip with long name).
  • Piotr removed Event.admin_fee and Event.invoice_status from display in various places.
  • Piotr started working on deployment automation, which resulted in expanded test suite coverage (now for Python 3.6 and 3.7-dev!), and two additional settings read from envvars.
  • finally, Piotr fixed and improved multiple issues reported for workshop request form.


  • Drew added missing Library Carpentry links that should be available on form confirmation page.
  • Piotr fixed bulk upload server error.
  • Piotr fixed some corner-case migration file reading default encoding for non-UTF-8 operating systems.