Collaborating with Your Team

Last updated on 2024-12-04 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 75 minutes



  • How can I use GitHub to manage (report, assign, track, prioritise) tasks of a lesson development project?
  • What communication channels are effective for a lesson development team?
  • How can I use GitHub to manage contributions from collaborators?


After completing this episode, participants should be able to…

  • Report and track issues with their lesson using the GitHub interface.
  • Review and provide feedback on contributions from collaborators using the GitHub interface.

In this episode we expand on how to use GitHub effectively among a group of known collaborators, currently your lesson development group, on an open source lesson development project, setting the stage for introducing tools and practices for working with newcomers. Here, we explore GitHub features to help you keep track of what needs doing on the lesson, manage contributions and prioritise work. Making decisions and managing your project as a whole will be covered in a follow-up episode on project management. Collaboration skills covered in this and follow-up episodes are transferable to any similar open source project you may be involved with.

Managing Issues

Issues are GitHub’s framework for managing issue/bug reports, feature requests, and lists of future work. They provide a single shared record of all the problems people have found with the lesson, and improvements that could be made, along with solutions and discussions around them. This helps the team to keep track of what they need to work on later, and reduces the chance of receiving redundant reports of issues you already know about.

When you create an issue, you can add a range of details to it. An issue can be assigned to a specific team member - this can be a helpful way to know who is currently working to fix an issue or a way to assign responsibility. You can assign one or more labels to issues to classify or group them. Labels can also be given colours, allowing you to see at a glance from the Issues page the state of your project.

Lesson repositories created from the template are configured with The Carpentries standard set of labels, which are designed to help lesson developers and maintainers to indicate the type and current status of issues. Some of the most frequently used labels include:

  • type:bug - indicates something that is broken in the lesson, e.g. a factual error or broken link
  • type:enhancement - indicates that the issue is proposing a way for the lesson to be improved
  • type:accessibility - indicates that the issue relates to the accessibility of the lesson
  • status:wait - indicates that the issue cannot or will not be worked on until something else is resolved, e.g. the solution to the issue is dependent on another change yet to be made (see also: status:blocked)
  • status:waiting for response - indicates that further progress cannot be made until someone (usually the person who submitted the issue) has responded
  • status:in progress - indicates that someone is working on a resolution for the issue, preventing potentially redundant efforts from being made by others
  • good first issue - indicates that the issue requires relatively little knowledge of the project to fix, making it a good choice for first-time contributors
  • help wanted - indicates that a maintainer wants help on an issue or pull request

GitHub provides a default set of labels for repositories which can be used “as is” or customised (as done by The Carpentries above) - check the GitHub documentation on Issues for the full reference. You can also create your own custom labels to help with classifying issues.

If you are developing your lesson in The Carpentries Incubator, you can register the repository for inclusion in The Carpentries Help Wanted Issues page, which will list all issues labeled with help wanted and/or good first issue. Issues listed on this page are more visible to the wider Carpentries community, making it a good way to attract spontaneous contributions from newcomers.

Exercise: creating issues (15 minutes)

After your trial run, you should have created a list of issues you identified with your lesson. Open issues on the GitHub repository for your lesson, for each item on that list. Remember to add labels to each issue according to its type, priority, etc. As you create them, you may also want to assign these issues to a member of your lesson development team.

Managing Contributions

Although it is possible (for collaborators with sufficient access to the project) to make changes to a lesson directly on the main branch of the repository, doing so is not recommended:

  1. It increases the likelihood of unintentional conflicts being created when two collaborators work on the same file simultaneously.
  2. It does not provide an opportunity for changes to be checked and discussed before they are included in the lesson. This makes it much more likely that mistakes will be included in the lesson, and that the commit history of the project will include many changes made only to fix/polish/undo previous commits.
  3. It prevents your team from benefiting from the powerful features that Git and GitHub provide to support and foster collaboration.

Instead, it is recommended practice to do most work in branches: sets of changes that build on the work in the main branch (or another) but are not included in that branch until they are explicitly merged into it. GitHub provides a way for this merging process to be managed, by giving a platform for the changes to be described, discussed and reviewed, before a decision is made to integrate or not integrate the changes in the default branch of the project and the associated lesson. On GitHub, these units of discussion, review, and acceptance/rejection of the changes within a branch are called Pull Requests.

Pull requests are analogous to tracking changes in a shared online document - both involve proposing, reviewing, discussing, and finalising updates collaboratively. In a shared document, edits are submitted for review by a proposer, akin to creating a pull request in GitHub, where changes are proposed via a branch. Reviewers in both cases look at the proposed changes, provide feedback via comments, (optionally) request modifications, and may need to resolve conflicts between multiple competing versions before final approval. Once approved, changes are integrated into the main document (the main branch in your lesson repsository), with version histories in both systems providing an audit trail of contributions. This structured workflow ensures quality and accountability in collaborative efforts.

The term Pull Request originates from the early days of GitHub, when a contributor would be requesting that the project maintainer(s) use Git to fetch (download) their branch and merge the changes into the main branch of the project. In the terminology of Git, this combination of fetching and merging a set of changes is called pulling. The name Pull Request is slightly anachronistic now, because a project maintainer can often manage the whole process of reviewing a contribution in GitHub’s web interface.

Note: A common nickname for a Pull Request is PR or PRs for Pull Requests.

Submitting and Reviewing Pull Requests on GitHub

The Trainers will collaborate on a demonstration of the process laid out below.

Pull Request Activity

Note: This activity is designed to be carried out by two Trainers acting in two different roles: “(S)” denotes the Pull Request Submitter role, “(R)” the Pull Request Reviewer.

  1. (S) Explore list of issues on repository, choose issue to fix, make note of issue number.
  2. (S) Edit a file to fix the issue, commit changes to a new branch with an appropriate name. Ensure that the changes include some typo etc that the Reviewer will be able to comment on and/or suggest a fix/improvement to.
  3. (S) Show how to open a pull request from that new branch to main.
  4. (S) In Pull Request description, reference the number of the issue being fixed, using a keyword “Fixes #X” or “Resolves #X” (where X is the issue number) to ensure automatic closure.
  5. (S) Demonstrate how to mark the PR as a draft, and then how to mark as it as ready for review.
  6. (S) Request a review from the Pull Request Reviewer.
  7. (R) Open the new Pull Request in GitHub.
  8. (R) Explore the diff of the PR, by opening the Files changed tab and talking through the display.
  9. (R) Comment on a line in the diff.
  10. (R) Suggest a change to the diff, using the “Add suggestion” button or three backticks marked suggestion.
  11. (R) Complete your review by adding some summary text and selecting “Request changes”.
  12. (R) Return to Conversation tab, to show how the PR thread looks after the review has been submitted.
  13. (S) Navigate to PR and the Files changed tab.
  14. (S) Respond to Reviewer’s comment(s), accept their suggested changes (draw attention to the option to batch multiple suggestions into a single commit).
  15. (S) Return to the Conversation tab and request a new review from the Reviewer.
  16. (R) Look again at the PR diff (Files changed) and ensure that requested changes have been made.
  17. (R) Approve the PR.
  18. (R) Thank the Submitter for their contribution.
  19. (R) Merge the PR.
  20. (R) Navigate to issue listing to confirm that the relevant issue has been automatically closed.

Practice with Pull Requests (15 minutes)

In breakout groups, assign yourselves the role of Submitter (S) and Reviewer (R), and repeat the process described above by completing the steps below. If there are any issues open on the repository that can be solved very quickly, feel free to address those with this exercise. Otherwise, the Submitter can open a Pull Request to make simple changes: typo fixes, or some completely arbitrary changes to a file. If the changes made for the exercise are not improvements to the lesson, the Reviewer should follow all the steps but close the PR at the end instead of merging it.

  1. (S) Edit a file and commit the changes to a new branch.
  2. (S) Open a new Pull Request from this new branch to main. If your PR will fix an open issue on your repository, include “Fixes #X” at the start of the PR description, where X is the issue number.
  3. (S) Request a review from the Reviewer.
  4. (R) Review the PR, making comments and suggesting changes as appropriate. When you have finished, approve the PR or request changes, based on your review.
  5. (S) Respond to any comments from the Reviewer and/or, if any changes were requested, make those and re-request a review when you have finished.
  6. (R) When all changes have been made to your satisfaction, approve the PR, thank the Submitter for their contribution, and merge the PR (Or close it if the changes were made for practice but should not be included in the actual lesson.)

Repository administrators can enforce this workflow by protecting the default branch of the GitHub repository: requiring anyone without Admin access to submit changes by pull request instead of committing changes directly to main.

The GitHub documentation provides more information about this feature and other branch protection rules.

Reviewing is a Skill

Making effective review comments in a PR is something you will get better at with practice - here is some general guidance to help with reviewing a PR from a collaborator:

  • Good reviews have empathy - consider the contributor’s feelings, identify positives and try not to be judgemental.
  • Aim for improved/better rather than perfect.
  • Make sure your review comments are specific and actionable.
  • Make it clear in the comment what you want changed as part of a PR and, ideally, provide a concrete suggestion.
  • Only request changes if the content is wrong or hard to understand (remember, different does not always mean better).
  • If a conversation on a PR hasn’t been resolved by one or two back-and-forth exchanges, consider scheduling a meeting to discuss further.

The Turing Way has more on reviewing contributions, and a lot of the advice in Alex Hill’s blog post, The Art of Giving and Receiving Code Reviews (Gracefully) also applies to reviewing prose.

If you need more help or practice with GitHub features, you can attend a GitHub skill-up session for Carpentries Maintainers and lesson developers which uses the following curriculum. These sessions will be periodically announced on The Carpentries calendar of events, The Carpentries Slack and mailing lists.

Managing Communication

Having an open, publicly-visible list of all the issues with your project is a helpful way of letting people know you are aware of issues and you are working on them. This can indicate to an external audience that the project is active. It also provides you and your collaborators with an “at a glance” view of the state of the project, making it easier to prioritise future work.

GitHub provides a useful notification feature for collaborative work - mentions. The mention system notifies team members when somebody else references them in an issue, comment or pull request - you can use this to notify people when you want to check a detail with them, or let them know something has been fixed or changed (much easier than writing out all the same information again in an email!). You can use the mention system to notify individual GitHub accounts or whole teams (when you need to mention multiple people at once and it is not practical to list them all individually). Typing @ in GitHub will bring up a list of all accounts and teams linked to the repository that can be “mentioned”. You can also mention people who aren’t linked with the repository but they won’t be listed in the @ drop-down list so you will need to know their GitHub username in order to mention them.

Slack is commonly used in the Carpentries community for quick, day-to-day message exchange among community members and staff. You should join the Carpentries Slack organisation in particular to connect with other lesson developers. Once you join, you can create a channel for your lesson development project under the Carpentries public Slack workspace or if you need more complex team communications you can create your own Slack workspace for free. Note that the Carpentries Slack is an enterprise workspace so all messages and files will be retained and no messages will be lost (for free workspaces only the most recent 10,000 messages can be viewed and searched and file storage limit is 5 GB).

Collaborators can also use other platforms to discuss lesson development or receive contributions from newcomers who are not yet fluent in using GitHub’s systems of communication. The Carpentries can assist with creating a mailing list specific to the development of your lesson on their TopicBox platform for managing threaded email discussions. Also make sure to join the Incubator lesson developers mailing list on TopicBox to keep an eye on announcements and discussions relating to lesson development in general within the Carpentries community.

Here are some additional resources where you can learn more about collaborating with your team in an Open Source project:

  1. The Guide for Collaboration section of The Turing Way
  2. The Communication resources section of the Contributor Experience Handbook, especially the collection of resources on productive conflict

Key Points

  • GitHub’s features Issues, Pull Requests and Mentions can all be used to transparently and effectively communicate and collaborate in a team working on a lesson development project.
  • Slack and emailing lists provide communication channels outside of GitHub - for quick day-to-day messaging and more permanent discussions around lesson issues and development, respectively.